[right][h3][color=3dbd91]Luca Agnelli[/color][/h3][/right] [right][h3][color=6ecff6]Katalina Hargraves[/color][/h3][/right] It had been a long day for Katalina. She hadn’t slept well and had woken up to find out that Amy was missing. On top of the other girls that were missing. One of her best friends was missing and apparently the school just didn’t care. Similar to what had happened with Natalie last year, there were no police at the school. Three girls missing and they were in art and design listening to the same boring spiel from the previous years! Katalina fidgeted in her seat and looked over at Luca. She knew however she felt about Amy missing, Luca was feeling it at least ten times over. Amy had never said anything outright, but Katalina could just tell. She scooted closer to Luca and set a hand on her shoulder. [color=6ecff6]“I won’t ask how you’re holding up, since I know how much she means to you, but I will offer this. After classes are over, if something still hasn’t been done, I’m sure we can try to hitch a ride into town with the music teacher, if you’d like,”[/color] she said softly. Luca flinched away from the gesture. Her eyes slid from a dreamy gaze out the window to peer at Katalina curiously. They were bloodshot, and despite the dark circles under them, they were alert. [color=3dbd91]“Amy’s probably still here, though.”[/color] Confusion was evident in her voice as if the concept of leaving the academy was so foreign and an unnatural a concept. [color=3dbd91]“I’m not sure– there’s nothing even there but people. I don’t think they’d help.”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“Luca, I’m sure Amy’s still here, but isn’t odd that the police aren’t here, again, after what happened last year with Natalie? We should get help from them early, before…”[/color] Katalina sighed. She was positive Amy was alive as well. Amy was smart and resourceful. However, the other two girls… [color=6ecff6]“It’s not just Amy that is missing you know. And I’m not going to just sit around and wait for their bodies to be found,”[/color] she said, trying to keep her voice low as to not alert anyone else. Last year she had just kinda let the teachers do as they wanted, and then… she was not losing another friend. Not like this. [color=3dbd91]“I don’t think they’d help,”[/color] Luca repeated, brows furrowing in confusion. [color=3dbd91]“I’m not sure if they can.”[/color] She glanced down at the page of lined notebook paper in her hands and the scrawled, almost illegible words written on it before scrunching it up and stuffing it into her blazer pocket. [color=3dbd91]“The dead girls, Amy would’ve gotten to the bottom of it eventually…”[/color] She coughed and looked away again. [color=3dbd91]“I suppose it’s worth a shot.”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“What do you mean ‘dead girls’ Luca? ...What do you know?”[/color] Katalina asked. Girls, plural, meant that it wasn’t just Natalie. Was one of the missing girls…? But, how could Luca know that? How could anyone know that? She was about to say something when the PA buzzed to life. [b]“Would all students and staff report to the gym for an announcement.”[/b] Well, that wasn’t good. [color=6ecff6]“What is happening now?”[/color] Katalina said aloud and stood up, and looked at Luca. [color=6ecff6]“I guess we’ll finish this later then?”[/color] The girl nodded as she stuck her fountain pen behind her ear and reached down to pick up her bag. After a few moments of chewing her lip, she moved closer, speaking in a low whisper. [color=3dbd91]“I don’t know if they’re dead or not, but two people today have lied to me when they said they’d find them safe and sound.”[/color] Katalina looked at Luca and grasped her shoulder. [color=6ecff6]“Luca… I know you and Amy were working on something. Was it related to this school? Look, don’t ask me how I know, just, either nod or shake your head,”[/color] she said. Already the class was starting to up and move out. Luca looked around the emptying room surreptitiously and nodded. [color=6ecff6]“Thanks,”[/color] Katalina said and took her hand off of Luca’s shoulder. [color=6ecff6]“I just… I’ll see you later. I hope,”[/color] she said and sighed. She picked up her things and went to head to the gym.