I thought it would definitely be an issue of how many subdivisions and whatnot, is why I was a little sceptical about posting this. But hey, I'm glad the team could do something to clear my doubts on it. So the subdivisions are all based on like, a certain way to explain what goes on there? Like, you said for nation RP, it's a bit of a generalisation to say that it involves nations and political conflicts dealt with in a manner, etc. And you really couldn't generalise a fandom because there are so many any they're all unique and you'd have to make separate ones for each and then overflowing and ew ew ew. But... Ah! I completely forgot there was such a thing as a search and tab system being implemented. I'm ever so sorry, but I do appreciate the clarification. Very much so. Thank you for taking time out of your schedules to attend to my questions and suggestions. <3 Do hope I wasn't too much of a bother, ehehe.