[center][h2][color=black][b]Tomas Collins[/b][/color][/h2] [color=black][i] “I wonder if anyone will recognize me.”[/i][/color][/center] [hr] [b]Name[/b]: Tomas Collins [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Rank[/b]: Pack Male [b]Trade[/b]: Butcher [center][hider=Upright Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/6ef8Uwu.png[/img] Tomas is a slender man, one whose athletic frame is etched, sketched, and sculpted with plated muscles. While not as muscular as his elder brother, he makes up for this in aesthetic and genteel looks. A rugged, youth, whose appearance is reminiscent of a wild prince or king, is what most would see upon staring at him. His black mane is slicked back, while facial hair line his jawline and upper lip. His evergreen eyes stare calmly beyond most scenes, looking into something that most simply can't comprehend. He stands at an impressive 6'5” and weighs a underwhelming 203lbs. [/hider] [hider=Canine Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/rA8efhL.png[/img] As a canine, Tomas appears as a sleek, darker version of his elder brother. He seems to be a inky figure, a shadow on the fringe of one's sights. His muscles are hidden behind thick fur, just barely visible to others. His fangs is a immaculate white and his orbs, a rare evergreen. Above his eyes are matching dots of white, giving him a oriental countenance. He's 47” tall, 8 feet long, and weighs 198lbs[/hider][/center] [b]Personality[/b]: A complex bundle of emotions, Tomas is a box waiting to be unraveled. On the surface is a genuinely carefree wolf. His casual demeanor and natural charisma seems inherited in the blood. That however, seems to be all that was inherited. He's a wolf that avoids killing if at all possible, preferring for his adversaries to feel the sting of defeat. During his travels, he learned to appreciate life in a way that wakes him obnoxiously optimistic. [b]History[/b]: Tomas was born to Keenan and Emelia Collins later into their Alpha terms. A birth wholly unexpected. Like his brother and sister before him, his parents made sure he had honed his skills in the most efficient of ways. However, they died shortly after retiring from head. It was a heavy blow. On top of losing a sister that he had never known—but oddly felt deep in his blood—he had now lost his mother and father. Condemned to a heavy heart, Tomas went through a dark phase. One where he rebelled against his brother and sister's better judgment, rules, and orders. He was often fighting with them, which led to him feeling ostracized and misunderstood. Eventually, when he turned eighteen, he decided to leave. In that time, he explored the world with youthful exuberance. Years later he felt a change in himself, a shift in the pendulum of his heart. Tomas realized that he missed his home, his family. So he packed his things, left the small caravan of people he had traveled with, and headed back towards the Blue Ridge pack. Ready to mend his departure. [b]Extra[/b]: Immune to ICED.