[center]~|Day 1, 20: 31-21:00 GST |~ ~|Aboard the Kaggath, in the vent above the Torture Room |~ [u]Navi[/u][/center] Navi was in a sour mood when he shortly realized he was lost. Without a map or specs to the Kaggath, the little droid was useless when it came to navigating the vast ship. All it took were a few wrong turns to immediately lose track of his current location. A fact that caused him to increase his aimless pace and get him further from his starting point. It was a habit he had picked up from hanging around humanoids, though in this case all it did was harm his goals rather than help them. Every so many meters, Navis abruptly stopped then listened. His sensors seeking sounds that he was heard and followed by pursuit. Minutes ticked down and nothing happened. A relief to the little robot, his legs again hastily recovering distance he had lost between waits. In his mind back, all Navi wanted to do was find Xid. To say he was worried was underestimating his ability to process emotions and believing Xid’s talents were mediocre, a fact the would’ve infuriated the custom droid. Every so many paces there was a slotted cover where gaps in the long, tunnel like vent blew in the artificial atmosphere. Whenever he crossed one, it temporarily exposed him when his bulk blocked the air. It was unlikely any Sith was smart enough to realize it as he floated around in the lifesystems. Few passengers ever bothered with such oddities until things started to look bleak or there was proof to worry. Then they become paranoid, investigating every single, little thing. Paranoia was the last thing Navi wanted during his search for his creator. He had just entered the torture section within the Kaggath when a voice caught the droid’s attention. “Yes, I guess it does make one sociopathic. Although it does certainly lend itself to a form of lethal efficiency for my purpose. As far as my friends are concerned I guess I feel compassion for them. Losing Xid or the others would certainly make life less interesting but it would also be a pain to find others to replace them further along the line.” Navi paused and turned, his eyes lowered to spy through the nearest slotted vent. Alat, if he recalled the Jedi’s name correctly, came into view shortly. At his back, his hands were tied and appeared firmly secure. Following him was a masked Sith close behind and both seemed deeply engaged in the conversation as they walked. Curiosity caused Navi to flip about and skirt back the way he came, traveling parallel with the pair to the interrogation rooms. In his mind, Navi was debating with himself over whether to help the Knight or not risk his existence upon the ship being to light. His mind was quickly made up when the Sith halted outside a room, opened the door and gestured for Alat to enter. The Jedi drew out being contained in a smaller room by questioning the Sith’s emotional state then, when he went to enter, the Kel Dor snapped free of his bindings and rushed the Sith. Being just above them, Navi noted the Jedi Knight lean in closer than needed to the Sith’s ear. His circuits tingled in suspicion naturally. The droid tried to follow the scene best he could while the two ‘fought’. The force shock naturally damaged the audio recievers in the surrounding cameras though the visual was still operational as far as Navi could observe. The droid's rushing legs, unable to be heard over the battle’s noise, had Navi skirting to various positions and attempted to getting a view. All the time he still looked for a way down, assuming the Jedi dead would make discovering Xid's location much harder.. In his machine processor, he knew something was off about the fight. It seemed not to have that violent tension in the end while their moves were viewed to be the least lethal possible. As the fight raged on, Navi was able to record bits and pieces. Though due to the danger and loudness of the play fight, the droid couldn’t fully catch it all on his audio but he heard enough to make his own assumptions. After the Jedi was being taken away, the droid made a beeline as far away as he could. He didn’t want to be in any proximity to the plotting pair. The need for Xid’s location crept quickly into the droid’s top focus, second to stealth alone. When he was far enough, Navi acknowledged one deep, dark truth: Trusting Alat was likely to get Xid, and the other Jedi, killed. [center]~|Day 2, 7:00-7:45 GST |~ ~|Aboard the Kaggath, Isolated Terminal to Prison Complex|~ [u]Navi[/u][/center] Skritch...Scratch...Skritch…Shhiiissss…. Skritch...Scratch….Skritch…Shhiiiissss... The combined sounds of his scrambling feet and the buzzing laser were becoming a routine to Navi. Namely since after the showy conflict between Alat and the Sith, the visual still flickering across the droid’s mind. Each time he examined it, it always felt off but not being a combative droid, he couldn’t exactly read why. The more he reflected on it, the less he was liking Alat. He was a threat to Xid in Navi’s mind and like with all threats, the droid would refuse to allow it to jeopardize his creator’s existence. The bad part was how to remove him. The droid knew killing the Knight outright was both beyond his abilities. Both physically and chance wise, his percentage in winning dropped greatly. It only rose when he considered hacking into the Kaggath and using the ship as a death trap, but even then that was a last resort. Doing so would alert the staff to his existence, preventing him from aiding Xid. That thought irritated the droid enough to redouble his focus on the task at hand: removing this panelling obstruction. He had melted about three of the six bolts holding it in place, doing so in the quietest manner possible. Every so often he would pause in his work when he heard the ship doors open and still, his mind noting the nearest escape path to vanish quickly when someone came checking. He was lucky considering the Darth didn’t have a sithspawn rodent control problem. The droid shuddered at encountering the vile, dark sith alchemy experiments. They were rumored to be among the nastiest things to encounter within the galaxy, making them among the few things Navi would literally retreat from when it came to fight or flight. That was saying something. When his task neared completion, he had melted off about four of them which allow him to lift and remove the grating to the side. A wide enough home for him to easily slip into the hole. Attaching his grappling hook to the right corner, Navi tugged the grate to the side. It softly screeched in protest then gave in to the droid’s strength shortly. Navi came to a halt. He stilled, listening and scanning the audio for signs his attempts had been discovered prematurely. He wouldn’t get another chance if he failed this time. Several moment passed, the silence closing in on the machine to indicate his actions had went unnoticed. Detaching his grapple, he shifted it to the sturdier frame of the vent then clamped on. Bit by bit, he started to scale his way downward where his magnetic feet could easily grasp the metal wall. Feeling his legs become secure, he started to thread downward along the wall’s length until he reached the ground. The first thing he noted was that the room was empty. No one, not a sith or staff, was present. It seemed the little droid had planned his access to the ship’s computer system during shift change. Not wasting any time, Navi went to work and ejected his probe into the access panel. Quickly he turned it a quarter to the right while he began to research for the ship’s map. It wasn’t hard to find at all and he began to download it, the file oversize and bulky, narrowing his download to cover two main things. A way out and Xid’s location. The droid whirled in surprise to learn the Knight was actually on this very level, locked away with several other Jedi within a prisoner complex. Why would the Sith risk collecting Jedi? The question, from a machine’s point of view, made no logical sense. Even more confusing was the surveillance and defenses were standard. No special or extra measures taken to ensure the prisoners didn’t escape. The more Navi learned, the greater his confusion became. Almost too deeply involve with his mental task, he barely acknowledged the doors flicker open causing him to pull out. It was a hasty option when he crawled into the wall's far corner, just to watch the staff file into their positions and once more resume their watch over the Jedi. Navi knew he needed to get out of there now. He gingerly scaled back up the way he came, a high risk at being seen by those in the Kaggath's employment, then darted out of sight. Shortly Navi began to review what he had gotten so far before he was interrupted. Several moments passed, his eyes scanned the inhabitants within the room below when he discovered he had only gotten a small portion to the map. About two thirds of the vent locations including their grate location, the prisoner complex, and one path to the hanger lift that was blocked by a restricted access code. If Xid could get at that door then it would not matter. In the end, the goal was getting the tech savvy Jedi from point A to B. A rather daunting task when fully examined in Navi’s mind. Giving a mechanical sigh, the little droid quietly readjusted the vent exit and darted deeper into the ventilation system. The nearest point straight to the Jedi prison complex was through a vent entrance in the Sith quarters. Navi slid the cover back over the hole and dashed into the dark tunnel, vanishing from sight. Before Navi fully entered the Sith quarters, he managed to bug the cameras within the section. He had about twenty minutes before someone was contacted for repairs. It plenty of time. Carefully, he slid to the ground for the second time today and under a cart left in the hallway side. The sound of calm, casual walking caught Navi's attention. He pressed himself tightly against the wall when a dark robes Sith entered the scene. His path was heading for the apprentice's shared room which was vacant, his robes end trailed behind him. Spotting this, Navi shot out of his hiding place and into the Sith's wake. He was hoping to tag along long enough to get to the vent. The doors hissed open and in a metal blur, Navi brushed under the nearest bunk. The Sith apprentice, Azariah, hadn't seemed to notice while his eyes narrowed upon the holocron within his hands. He studied it intently and absorbed the old mystic markings on the surface. Not interested in watching the Sith, Navi pulled the far wall where he started to examine the grating there. It was cuttable at least. Pulling out his laser, the droid hesitantly began to slice at the metal bolts to sear their ends off. It wasn't long into his task when another voice joined Azariah, huskier and slicker than venom, the male spoke in a low warning tone. Things spiraled into chaos fast when Azariah began an argument which ended when the Sith was instantly tossed across the room. He slammed into the floor near the bunk Navi had hidden under. The man's shocked eyes spotted him, silently pleaded for help, when he suddenly jerked back across the smooth floor. His throat hadn’t a chance to scream, hand outstretched to claw against his attack while the holocron slipped from his fingers. The menacing thing rolled closer to Navi, the droid inched out and fixed on the man’s figure. The Sith’s body darkening, losing slight solidity, and became limp when another hazy shape bent over his fallen figure. Naturally this alarmed Navi causing the droid to haul his metal ass back under the bunk when two hoofed feet clip, clopped rose then started toward him. It paused only a moment to reach a clawed hand to stroke the almost completely faded Sith. Navi’s memory banks were marred with the image of the man's eyes. Stricken in endless horror and pain, the image frightened the droid enough to huddle as small as he could against the wall. There was little trace to what had happened, save for a very faint sulfur scent lingering in the room. For those with human's range of scent, it would be easily missed. Undetected until someone’s keener nose smelt it. In addition there was subtle signs of brief struggle about the room, the fade sense that some extreme dark being had been present, and last of all, Azariah’s absence would be noted when he never appeared on the ship. . Navi tossed caution to the winds. He redirected his focus on getting the hell out, his laser hissed across the bolt ends with lightening pace when the killer trotted toward him. Not waiting to get a good glimpse and identification, he bolted when the last binding holding the door had fallen. The last thing his audio heard was a husky, menacing laughter pursuit him into the vents.