Tholo gave a nod of agreement and worked on his own meal as he listened to Danilo's tale on what yesterday had been like for him. Tholo held his tongue back on his negative comments, finding the whole idea of the scene that he described as being romantic rather unlikely, to him it would seem more of a nuisance having such a racket and so much attention but he figured that could of been to his past so he let Danilo go uninterrupted, only replying to the question that he had asked before the tale. "No don't think you have," he said finishing his meal ",Once again best damn thing I've eaten in ages. As for the dishes yeah no worries, not like anyone is going to come in while I'm gone and see them. I'll just get my keys and we'll go check this cafe out and see what gossip your friends got." He walked over to the counter and picked up his wallet and set of keys before leading the way out the door and to the car. Soon they were off and going down the road. Tholo looked at his gas meter. Seeing that they probably had enough to make it to the shop without worry, he decided that the gas station could wait until a bit later. "So if you had to make a guess on your soulmate, how would you describe them?" He asked Danilo as they made their way through the maze of streets. His mind drifted to his first soulmate name, how he had imagined what they would of looked like. Of course most of what he thought turned out to be to be untrue to the real thing, he could never complain about who his first pairing was. Neither with his second, the third well he was still working that one out and brought himself back to the present. Upon finding a place to park that wasn't much of a walk away from the cafe, Tholo got out with Danilo and locked up the car."All right lets see what your friend has. Who knows if we are extremely lucky we'll find your soulmate there as well." Entering the cafe provided many different aromas to wafe into his noise. At first he didn't notice that one scent was not right, he figured that it might of just been a brief stay of the air outside coming in before the door shut but farther in as the scent grew stronger he knew something wasn't quite right. His eyes looked around the cafe and soon found out why and quickly darted his gaze away in an attempted to ignore the two bloodsuckers that were there. Not only did one of them had to be Trixy but the other he could tell by even the back of his head who it was. Solenne, that damn old bastard had to live in the same area that he did. Of course he could just easily avoid most of the vampire populace but a run in was expected. Solenne though had been different to say the least and they went a few rounds leaving their marks on one another. What it had been over, hell Tholo couldn't remember just that somehow the bloodsucker had crossed a line and Tholo had shown just how much bite he had. Ever since then, he avoided that vampire best he could. Only one other time he and Solenne had crossed paths. There hadn't been a fight since the area was public but if looks could kill, they probably killed each other more times then the lives they had taken in their time living combined. He wanted to get out of that cafe after spotting the two undead creatures but he had to wait for Danilo so his best strategy was to just ignore them and hope that neither of the two wanted to start something. Last thing he needed was a fight in a cafe. A bar fight was one thing but in a more civilized place of establishment was something else he would rather avoid.