[center] [h1] Athinar Khaek [/h1] [img]http://wiki.guildwars.com/images/thumb/e/ec/%22Grenth%22_concept_art.jpg/352px-%22Grenth%22_concept_art.jpg[/img] Physical Form: Athinar has the shape of a gaunt human male, standing about 6'5". Don't let this fool you though, he is quite strong and physically able. His black eyes fall about his eyebrows, while he has glowing red eyes that shine out from a near-perfect face. [hider=Non-armored Form][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-4U-s_znQeN4/VTQRGttHYVI/AAAAAAAAAC4/BxycVEEg2MY/w643-h600/anime-character-boy-and-swords.png[/img][/hider] Abilities: Athinar Khaek is a master of summoning and conjuration, able to create creatures of all shapes and sizes, with a myriad of abilities. This does not mean he neglects the other schools of magic, having great natural skill with enchantment/hypnotism, and some small skill with binding/warding magic. Here are a few in particular. [hider=Spells and Abilities][i][color=SlateBlue][u]Summon: Gaunt Man -[/u] Athinar summons a Gaunt Man, a creature of his own creation, from another dimension, which looks similar to a darkwraith, except more feral, and easier to kill. Each Gaunt Man has long claws, instead of fingers, and fangs that sprout from the mouth, for easier consumption. Each time they eat, they grow stronger, and the longer they are from feeding, the weaker they get, however, they cannot die from hunger. [/color][/i] [i][color=SlateBlue][u]Summon: Moldling -[/u] Athinar summons a Moldling, a creature similar to a homunculus, in the fact that it is a complete blank slate upon creation. Each Moldling is a work of art, unique in its terrible beauty. Every such being specializes in one ability or skill, their artificial minds too simple for anything else. (Ex.- A tactical leader Moldling, able to react on the battlefield to lead a squad or group to victory, or a Moldling created to breathe fire.) However, these creations take hours to create, days if Athinar wishes to work for quality and originality. [/color][/i] [i][color=Purple][u]Conjure: Arcane Sigil -[/u] Athinar conjures a Sigil, or rune if one wants to be picky, which can be modified to suit his purposes. However, this again takes time and planning, as with most of his creations. It can perform summoning, conjuration of inanimate objects, or direct the raw elemental forces. [/color][/i] [i][color=Purple][u]Conjure: Overlord Armor -[/u] Athinar summons a magical suit of armor that fits his form perfectly, and grants him extreme magical situation awareness, allowing him to notice and react to the slightest of changes. It also allows him to see everything in a 30 meter radius, no matter if it is obscured by contemporary or magical means. [/color][/i] [i][color=Red][u]Enchantment: Snare -[/u] Athinar creates an obsession within the target of himself, causing them to want to be around him, and if it goes unhindered for about a week, bends them to his will and desires. [/color][/i] [i][color=Red][u]Enchantment: Domination -[/u] [b]Athinar needs the target to be subdued for this ability to work.[/b] Athinar works on the target for about two hours, more if they are especially resilient, and attempts to do whatever he wants with their mind, up to but not limited to; creating false memories, reducing their free will, wiping their brain clean. [/color][/i] [i][color=Green][u]Bind: Arcane Prison -[/u] Athinar creates an Arcane Prison, essentially a magical box, with walls made of raw energy, around a target. It can be instantaneous, or if he wishes for it to be stronger, larger, or cause harm inside the box, he can prepare it beforehand. It can also be created by the Arcane Sigil. [/color][/i] [i][color=Sienna][u]Skill: Arcane Soldier -[/u] Athinar, while he already has slightly above average strength, uses his own magical energy to enhance all of his physical abilities to that of titanic proportions. However, this takes away his ability to cast spells, and forces him to recover from the immense energy channeled through his body for about a day. [/color][/i] [i][color=Sienna][u]Skill: Arcane Defense -[/u]Athinar focuses all of his magical energy to block out all incoming attacks for the next five minutes. Afterwards, Athinar is able to cast spells, but is extremely low on energy. [/color][/i] [b][i][color=Black][u]Blade of the Void -[/u] Athinar summons a katana out of shadowy mist, which is a plane that doubles as a portal to the void, and can cut through most normal materials. It can be dispelled and recreated within 0.5 of a second. [/color][/i][/b] [/hider] Personality: Athinar is a master strategist, who doesn't initiate any confrontation without excessive planning. However, he is sarcastic, funny, and does appreciate his peons, given to encourage them and reward them for success, and try and get him on their good side, for loyalty is greater than any enchantment, and Athinar knows this. Wants/Needs: Athinar is simply the incarnation of evil. No more, no less. He wishes to tear down the civilized world, and build his own empire. From the dawn of time, Athinar has existed, and even though he was banished from his homeworld, he has traveled through the Void, losing, winning, battling his counterpart, Sarin, the Lady of Light, all the way. He exists to fight her. Relationships: [color=Gold][i][u]Sarin, Lady of light -[/u] He is mortal enemies with Sarin, who was created at the dawn of his world as his foil. She is bound to him by fate, and travels behind him, forced by the universe to fight him. However, throughout their shared eons of existence, the two have come to an understanding, and have a competitive banter to their conversations, when they aren't fighting. [/i][/color] Backstory: Athinar is the incarnation of evil in a distant world, which was destroyed by the ravages of time long ago, in a distant dimension. He was created by a Grand Creator, who set him against Sarin, the Lady of Light, with a smile and a pat on the back. He has razed towns and cities, caused nations and empires to fall, and murdered countless billions. That all said, he isn't that bad of a guy. He cares for his minions, up to the point that it infringes upon his efficiency. Can't have feelings get in the way of destruction, now can we? Other ((OOC)): I created this character for the Dungeon Keepers RP, originally, but he can be used in more than one RP, due to the nature of his creation. [/center]