All this talk of forgetting to water the orchids ended up making Nori nervous, so she decided to check in on the shop. The Enchanted Florist wasn't usually open on Sundays, but the owner didn't mind if the short blonde went in for extra hours every once in a while. The DJ backtracked to her apartment and fiddled with the lock of the flower shop until it finally sprang open. Nori made her way inside and back towards the main register, flicking on the lights as she went. The blonde clocked in and started to store her purse when she felt it buzz. "Please, dear God, don't let it be Dangermouse," she mumbled under her breath as she fished out the smart phone. The florist was pleasantly surprised to see that it was a text from Nick, inviting her out to the arcade. [i]Please, you're voice doesn't have to dress up to be handsome, it's sexy even when it's been wearing the same pjs for three days straight and hasn't showered in ages.[/I] she typed before nibbling on her bottom lip and adding [i]Yeah, the arcade sounds fun, I'll annihilate you at Street Battler 2! Did you wanna meet there around six?[/i] Nori fretted over the wording before punching the send button. "I sound like such a dork," she moaned, tucking her phone into the back pocket of her shorts. While it was part of her work persona to be very flirtatious, the florist had never actually had a boyfriend before, let alone gone on a date with someone. There weren't many options growing up, seeing as how there was only one boy her age in her hometown. He had lived on the farm next door and Nori would have never gone out with him, considering he was missing most of his teeth and slept in the barn with the pigs. "Don't over think it," she told herself, before going to fetch her watering can from one of the back shelves.