[center]3[/center] [center]2[/center] [center]1[/center] [hr] [h3][u][center][b]Welcome, Moon Rider-Black King[/b][/center][/u][/h3] [hr] "Shit, shit, shit!" For the most part, Yoshino's mass message about DGO's current status was relatively true. The massive horde of Dissolutions that had sweeped across the plains between the Kingdoms and Faded City were cut down until only a few enemy NPCs remained. Rumors floated around that the delay and crash was caused by a Hacker so firewalls were heavily reinforced to prevent something happening again. Moon Rider had ultimately chosen to keep those who had arrived the day prior inside her throne room as opposed to kicking then out of her Guild's territory. As her spokeswoman had proclaimed a day before, a meeting was to take place soon while all members were additionally required to eliminate any stray Outlaws still hanging around the area. Like the Dissolutions, their sizes had been greatly reduced to a small band of stragglers that still thought they could take out the Black King. But whatever confidence they had once displayed was now being cut down before their eyes. Their alert notices showed that Moon Rider had logged into Deep Ground and one by one their forces were dropping. All practice of a plan or strategy was thrown out as every Player stuck it out on their own to avoid the Black King's ire wrath. "Another is down...that means she still doesn't know where I am....oh man I am fucked," ranted one such Outlaw in a panicked state, cowering near one of the Black District's many monoliths. And then his signal of Moon Rider was gone. A brief moment of calm entered his mind before something impossibly light was placed gently on the small of his back. A small clicking noise was all that he heard before the beam saber activated and pierced his chest straight through. He was dead before his Avatar hit the ground. Standing over the fading Outlaw, Moon Rider glanced at the eternal beam of light that always hunf over her domain like an unspoken beckoning call. The single moon shone brightly on the lone black warrior. Moon Rider took pause in this moment, surpressing a sigh to herself, before melting into the shadows in pursuit of her next victim. The hunt was on.