[color=7bcdc8]As Rodrigo's hand fell toward the woman's head, Mason reacted without a second thought. He couldn't save either of them, but it didn't matter any more. Rage ran through his bones, but his mind held a sense of cold logicality. His fingers along with his bow, twisted and turned as Mason lined up his shots. His opponent hadn't realized it, but he'd already been setting this battle up since the go. Flows of color were already shifting into place. Lines from his Ultraviolet prism stretched through the forest in various angles. The purpose of this would allow him to control his shots with more agility and pattern. The lines snapped into place, pointing not at Rodrigo directly, but at the small holes in a wall of yellow prism that now formed around the mad man. A near impenetrable force restricting the man that he had been working at. His intention had been to capture, but at this point, he knew that wasn't going to fly. Even with the most absurd strength, the wall would hold just long enough for... At a single snap, 9 arrows fled from Mason's bow, following a trajectory defined by the ultraviolet lines. Had he not had the lines already in place, there would be no way he'd be able to shoot so many arrows with such accuracy. However, in this case, the arrows flew towards the small entry holes in the yellow prism cage. 5 into the cage, and 4, surrounding the cage, in case the man miraculously escaped narrowly in time. Mason's plan didn't finish there though. The ultraviolet arrows cut through the holes in the cage, threatening to cut deep into Rodrigo. Unbeknown to his opponent though, the ultraviolet, although solid was not quite strong enough to resist that much of an impact. Sure they'd cut the man, leaving some harsh wounds, but the real blow was within the arrows. A small wall of ultraviolet was all the separated the red goo of Red Prism and a crystal of Infa-red Prism. Once the arrows hit the man, the inside of the yellow cage, or the outsides of the cage, Kaboom! The explosion of reacting reds would be devastating. Not only to the man, but to the yellow wall. The wall, ignited in flame, would return to it's gas state causing an ever larger explosion. Enough to disintegrate his opponent, and unfortunately the girl. He knew he was crossing some lines here, but witnessing the madness inside the man's head, he held no doubt that he was doing what was necessary. Still, he grimaced as the arrows arrived at their destination. He is a hunter and tactician before anything else. He'd do what was necessary to make the mark, even if he hated himself for it. He was glad his plan went so smoothly. If only he could have saved them though. He waited, sensing the area for any signs of life. A stream of yellow prism coming to life around him, just in case.[/color]