Cassandra found a few after school activites that she could do, and a few interested her enough that she thought she might check them out. Karate, for one. And a writing club. Cassandra enjoyed writing, and wondered if there was a school newsletter or something like it. Now, she returned to her room, and deciding she had done enough for today of actual real life living, she set an alarm for 7.45, enough time for her to get to the 8.00 karate class. And logged into DGO [center]3[/center] [center]2[/center] [center]1[/center] [hr] [h3][u][center][b]Welcome, Nies Hellum[/b][/center][/u][/h3] [hr] That always made her feel...well, welcomed, and Nies Hellum smiled. She looked about her, running a hand through her now blonde hair, relishing the feel of it as well as the colour. She couldn't help it. She just felt....Stronger. More confident as she was, as Nies Hellum then she ever was as Cassandra, not matter how much she tried [i]I hope Jukebox and the kitten are alright[/i] she thought to herself, hesitating and wondering if she should try and contact them, but didn't want to seem like a bother. Besides, she didn't even know the Kitten, besides knowing she had hitched a ride on the back of an outlaw convey. Nies took a deep breath. All her work yesterday, talking with someone and pairing up, to have it all crushed by being forced to log out. So Nies Hellum did what she planned, not wanting to have to wait around for Unrelenting Jukebox to appear again. She returned to the guild, staring at the cars in the garage. She could drive one, surely? She had yesterday, not that that had worked out too well really. But she hadn't crashed the car, not until the very end. [i]you can do it. Just go slower this time.[/i] Could she go alone though? She was just a healer, she could barely fight. She pursed her lips in thought. She could always run if she got into trouble. She just couldn't let the mystery of the black city die, couldn't not follow it. And after being forced to log out, and then the messages last night, she wanted to see the black city for herself, and the black king. So Nies approached a car, biting her lip. Could she just take it?