[center] [h1]PureBlood Academy[/h1] [hider=RP Description] [i]In this world, there are four types of blood. Mortalis, Crysos, Argenian, and Aeris. Each blood has different abilities, except for Mortalis, which is the basic blood and only entered the bloodlines in the past few centuries. However, the Mortalis blood has seeped through the system, and now the other bloods are almost entirely extinct. It is practically impossible to meet a PureBlood, someone with only one type of either Crysos, Argenian or Aeris blood in their body. The government know this, and they are on the hunt. The hunt for PureBloods. You are a PureBlood, and for your entire life you have been hidden away, only exiting your home when you are able to hide the telltale signs of your bloodline. Are you an Argenian, with the ability to touch someone or something and shape shift into it? Are you a Crysos, with the ability to crush diamond and see in the dark with your enhanced senses? Or are you an Aeris, able to communicate with all living things in ways other bloodlines cannot? But what will happen when they find you?[/i] [/hider] [hider=TL;DR] You are one of a group of teenagers who have found out that you are a part of one of the three pure bloodlines, and you are taken away to PureBlood Academy to be kept safe from the government, who are looking to capture the PureBloods and breed them to make PureBloods more common. [/hider] [h2]Crysos[/h2] [b][color=ed145b]If you decide to become a Crysos, you have the following abilities:[/color][/b] Enhanced Senses: [i]Seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling are all enhanced. [/i] Enhanced Stats: [i]Strength, speed, intelligence and stamina are all enhanced.[/i] [b][color=0072bc]You also have the following weaknesses:[/color][/b] Overuse: [i]Overuse of a certain sense or ‘stat’ may fry it, leaving you with little and, in extreme cases, no use of that ability. Cases where this may happen include running long distances - speed and stamina will deplete, in some cases also strength (sprinting for about 15 to 20km or more, running about 30 to 40km or more, also depends on character), seeing for an extremely long distance - eyesight(across a large city, across an ocean, looking to see something microscopic from a distance).[/i] [h2]Argenian[/h2] [b][color=ed145b]If you decide to become an Argenian, you have the following abilities:[/color][/b] Shapeshifting: [i]You are able to touch something and change into it, whether it be an animal, human, or item. Not buildings or vehicles however. You can change into the last thing you touched at any time, but nothing before that. If you change into a person with an ability, you will not have their ability.[/i] [b][color=0072bc]You also have the following weaknesses:[/color][/b] Mixed Up: [i]If you shift into too many items in succession, or shift into something too large or against the rules (a vehicle, building or similar), you will become ‘mixed up’, a strange looking mix of different items and people. You will more than likely be unable to do anything, and will have to hide until it wears off.[/i] [h2]Aeris[/h2] [b][color=ed145b]If you decide to become an Aeris, you have the following abilities:[/color][/b] Animal Connection: [i]You are able to communicate with an understand absolutely any living thing, plants and trees. For plants, you communicate with them through your mind, and with animals, you either talk to them and they understand you and vice versa (but in their animal noises), or you talk telepathically. Humans is normal, but you also have telepathy with them.[/i] [b][color=0072bc]You also have the following weaknesses:[/color][/b] Frightened Attack: [i]An Animal or plant may be quite shocked and frightened when you communicate with them, and could fight back with their minds, leaving you hurt from a scale of simply winded to full on physical damage, depending on the animal. Similarly, they may not want you to communicate with them, ending in the same result.[/i] [hider=Rules] - No meta gaming or OP Characters - Characters must be from 13 to 18 in age, bloodlines are discovered around these ages - One bloodline per character - About medium length posts or longer (I think about 7 to 10 lines is medium-ish), unless otherwise needed - Appropriate grammar and spelling is appreciated and expected [/hider] [b]Please note:[/b] One of the Bloodlines will be rare, but I won't tell you just yet, so you'll just have to guess if you want to be rare. ^_^ [h2]Character Sheet[/h2] [hider=Character Sheet] [Insert picture of your character here. You can also write a description underneath it, if you wish.] Name: Age (13 to 18): Gender: Bloodline: Personality: Bio (no need to be too detailed, but a decent amount of information would be helpful): Strengths: Weaknesses: [/hider] [/center]