Captain lifted her hand and took a long pull from her cigarette, holding in the breath for a moment and then exhaling through clinched teeth as she heard the commotion in the engine room from the ships mechanic. It seemed that April had wandered into the wrong part of the ship, once again and was trying to move in on Cyreks domain. Captain didn’t care if the girl made repairs, she felt it would move things along faster if two people worked on the problems instead of one but Cyrek was very possessive of the ship and the work he did. He hated people in his territory. “Ching-wah tsao duh liou mahng,” she spat before holding two fingers up, the smoke resting between them to Silas; noting to give her a moment before she walked over to the com and pressed a button. “Bizui!” she yelled into the com box. “April, get your narrow behind out of there before Cyrek throws a wrench at you!” she bellowed and then heard the crash of what she assumed was a wrench. “Well, before he throws another one!” she added before hearing the Preacher pipe in and had to stifle a laugh. Preacher had balls talking to Cyrek and as much as she wanted to listen in she had others things to attend to. Shaking her head she turned back to Silas and shrugged. “Yeah, I got room, but this ain’t gonna be no gorram joy ride and we don’t make special stops. Ya eat what we ration you, stay out of the way and report to Hannah, the chipper one,” she said before noticing that Preacher had come out to meet the new comer. Shaking her head. “second deck, third door on the right is your bunk, I’m getting out of here before this one tries to baptize me,” she said taking another pull from her cigarette and walking back into the ship.