The magical words, Andarta smiled at this turn of events, Parkinson was begging for her to catch her! Ha! She knew it, no one dislikes pysical contact! Even pain feels good, makes you want to rebel. What is pain anyway, An electrical signal fired off from the nerves to inform the brain of danger, but can also be caused by stress, your bodies tension can trigger constricting of....Parkinson is about to crash into her by that point. A single arm reached out running along Parkinson's much smaller one, to grasp her at the shoulder. In a smooth motion, she would eliminate the momentum of the fall by pulling Parkinson into her, all the while spinning to ensure it wasn't a slam! The motion ended with Parkinson pulled to Andarta and their other hand held out to the side.... [color=f26522]"I know how to Ballroom dance! That was a mixture of figure skating and a Waltz over arch!" [/color] She turned to Johnny, "Wait wait! Can you do that too?!" just as abruptly kneeled down to her much smaller counterpart to look her in the eye. [color=f26522]"Lets go practice! We could be the best dancers ever! In the history of our brief lives even!" [/color]She began to pull Parkinson along in the direction of the training room. With her other hand she grabbed Johnny's loose garments. [color=f26522]"You as well! Lets go punch each other! I feel like you would like it as much as I would."[/color] Sure he could resist, but she doubted he would.