[b]Name:[/b] Dana Masaka-Zäna [b]Gender:[/b] Two-Spirit [sub](goes by either pronoun, slight preference for she/her/hers/etc.)[/sub] [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Rank:[/b] Omega [b]Trade:[/b] General Store Cashier [hider=Upright Appearance][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/nOsIIJm.jpg?1[/img][/center][/hider][hider=Canine Appearance][center][img]http://static.ddmcdn.com/gif/5-wolves-watermelon.jpg[/img] Measurements; [i]41” (104cm) tall, 7.9’ (2.35m) nose to tail, 170lb (77kg)[/i] As Two-Spirit, Dana's from falls right between traditional male and female canine anatomy, their Cheyenne ancestry makes them appear even smaller in some ways than most female wolves, however-- cold resistant fur and large frames are replaced with sleek fur, and lean wiry muscle. Having half of the spirit of Cheyenne non-warrior, they possess inherently less strength than the average full-blood, however they are slightly faster, able to easily retain their upright sensibilities over their all-consuming lycan instincts, and they are much better adapted to survive for extended periods without meat.[/center][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Put simply; that of a bored slacker and a master of wasting potential and time. On the surface, Dana seems very blase, even resentful of their work. They give off much of the same attitude as a stereotypical stoner & underachiever, not caring what anyone else thinks and doing only the bare minimum to get by, vocationally... Pack duty wise... in [i]everything[/i] that isn't a major interest to them. Their calm demeanor stems from her laziness, and in fact she also does have a bit of a temper, threatening those whom they perceive as committing slights against themselves, the pack, or one of the few things they have any passion toward. When agitated they can be very combative, typically engaging in random destruction as stress relief and once every full moon, they may want to fight. The sight of their full temper is rare however, as they are mostly distracted by something to numb their senses, such as music or copious amounts of alcohol. However, their temper may stem from desperation and a desire to being doing something 'greater' with her life, Dana looks at humans with envy; simultaneously feeling trapped in the simple, boring, seemingly monotonous life the Pack has provided to them and longing for the perceived simplicity of human existence, the ability to remain ignorant and follow your dreams with no asterisks. Still, they show staunch loyalty to their pack mates, and a special preference to Omegas, or those they simply find attractive-- (Often finding ways to give them items for free from the store). In and out of combat, Dana can be quite cunning, and relies on figuring out the psychology of any opponents they may come across, upright or canine to win. Failing intellectual victory; Dana cheats to win, and cheats [i]hard[/i]. [b]History:[/b] Dana was born of a union between two Packs, each from differing Tribes of Native American skin-walkers. Their mother was a Cheyenne artisan from a Pack of skin-walkers; and their father, a Winnebago man who possessed dominant Lupine genes, was a drunken musician who lived on a reservation. Apparently while playing with his band, the man received a vision [i]--that was then interpreted by his tribal council, Alpha and Medicine Man--[/i] of his ancestral spirits joining with a woman's he had never seen, and creating a savior of sorts. Seeing this as imperative, the man set off immediately, seeing to father the savior that his pack may one day need. He drove for five days before finding himself utterly lost. Being forced to walk, the man found himself switching between upright and his wolf-skin at random intervals for comfort, the wilderness was great, and food to hunt was scarce. The man spent two moons wandering the land before collapsing of exhaustion, having exhausted his physical resources and his ancestor's guidance. When he awoke, he found himself in the care of the woman from his dreams. She, of course, thought he was crazy-- she had only picked him up on her way back into town after visiting a friend for the weekend in the city. The desert road just happened to be a detour she had taken. He claimed it was fate. She claimed it was convenience. He claimed they would make a savior together. She claimed that she was dropping him off at the hospital as soon as they went into town to get his head checked. He asked if he could have a drink first; [i]"It's been a month since I've had scotch."[/i] He said. She smiled, and the rest is history. 5 years later, the 'savior' was born. Neither male nor female, but both at the same time; A Two-Spirit child with two last names, born not of a union, but a bond between man and woman all the same. Upon birth, they possessed within their tiny, frail body the spirit of a Winnebago psychic-- that of a Wolf-witch, capable of seeing her enemies movements before they did*. So grey and fast, she almost appeared as though she was a fog upon her enemies. And from his mother's side, the child possessed the lost spirit of a Cheyenne romantic, a Lycan skin-walker. A man who could match two people as one, but never found a mate for himself. He longed for a better life, and often felt unsatisfied with what he did for the pack and tribe, culminating in a tragic suicide-- by firewater. A legendary She-wolf, and a forgotten Omega. Dana lived life as a golden child in the two Packs. Being raised wanting for nothing, given celebrity status and around the clock pampering-- Dana grew up bored, wishing for nothing but a 'normal' life, while the witch inside longed for excitement and battle, and the romantic knew that they would never find their match here. So, when Dana turned 20, they left their Packs, seeking something different. They found it, although not quite ideal, in the Blue Ridge Pack. [sub]*Dana isn't actually psychic, that's just a trait of the feminine spirit-- it translates itself into Dana as a longing for the future and excitement. In a similar way to how the masculine spirit translate into Dana's behavior longing for a mate and being an underachiever.[/sub] [b]Extra?:[/b] [i]- The Smiths are Dana's favorite band. - Whiskey is Dana's drink of choice. - Dana's aggression may stem from the lack of a mate. - Dana is well versed in common Lycan religious sects, as well as Winnebago and Cheyenne polytheism, but seems to be an atheist.[/i]