His suspicions had been right and they were bing tailed ... at least theyd manged to take off without getting instantly shot down and theyd managed to nab a doctor in time too. If theyd been waiting much longer it wad liekly their pursuers woyld have boarded and slaughteted them in the port. "Remember who the captain is here Viva. You don't give the orders" Noah said hrshly in a quiet voice when she told him to take Valko to the med bay. It went without saying that he'd do just that but he and Viva were always t odds with one another and he wasn't going to let her think she could give out orders anytime soon. Noah turned his attention back to Valko and Loire. Viva was a capable pilot and she could be trusted to take her on initiative with the Lucidae and ensure they made it out alive if that was a possibility. "What do you need me to do?" Noah asked kneeling down beside Loire. "Just lift him and take me down to the med bay. Be gentle though he's barely patched together... I still have a lot of work to do." LOIRE turned to look at Noah for a moment. Everything had been happening so fast that he didn't even know what his kidnappers looked like. He was struck by Noahs appearance... Rugged, he had some blood and dirt on hi face and strong determined features. He was actually very striking. Loire wasnt instantly smitten but he certainly found Noah a pleasant sight, perhaps he'd look even better cleaned up. He noticed the blood weeping from Noahs arm and asked "Are you hurt? Your arm. " "It's nothing, keep your eyes on Valko." Noah replied wincing at the pain in his wounded arm as he managed to scoop up Valko who was like a dead weight. Loire followed Noahs brisk pace to the med bay. With Valko laid out on the bed, Loire prepped himself for a proper emergency surgery and pulled out an IV bag and syringe. "Can you get a blood donation from the pilot?" "From Viva?" Noah replied to clarify. "I take it you know how to use a syringe Dont you? Perhaps you don't use drugs yourself but you're clearly knee deep in something and I'd wager it's drugs." Loire said snapping on a pair of sterilised gloves. "You wanna watch what you say doctor" Noah replied then left to return to the deck and draw blood from Viva. "Vee the doc is ready for some blood. Gimme your arm and hold still" he said though he knew this would be no easy task ((Sorry for typeos and autocorrect fails my phone is beh. Also sorry for not writing out the surgery stuff in better depth I this post. It's late and I'm going to bed but my next post will basically walk through the operation!!!))