Jake was trying not to look directly in Ryva's eyes as she said [color=Aqua]"That's alright, lad.I came tae apologize for being an ass at the cafe."[/color] He quickly responded [color=Red]"No no no it was my fault I deserved that comment."[/color]. Jake couldn't help but notice her pushing her hair behind her ear and as she did the light shined over her face and he almost lost hold of the door keeping him up.Then she asked to come in and Jake smacked himself in the forehead mostly for not inviting them in sooner but also to straighten himself up a bit as he spoke [color=Red]"Yes of course Im sorry what kind of host am I."[/color] After he led them to the living room he walked to the kitchen and with a slight smile and raising his voice so Ryva could hear him. [color=Red]"I'll get moose some water would you like something to drink I have a little bit of everything alcohol and non I promise not to make it a fashion statement this time"[/color] He rubbed the back of his neck as he finished his statement hoping it would brighten the mood.As he waits for a response he looks through the door ways to see Ryva and every time she pushes her hair behind her ear he looses his breathe.He lights up a cig as his mind starts up again. [color=Lightcoral]'How do I always manage to fuck shit up?A beautiful girl shows up at my house and not just any girl the girl I dumped a White russian on and now I can't stop looking at her and they way she moves her hair.I hardly even know her all I know about her is she's got Irish blood,shes the leader in her band,her name is Ryva,and she's best friends with my best friend Arty.Plus Ive never owned my own house before let alone had guests what do I do?I offered a drink but is that even appropriate right now.'Sigh' Great job Jake always managing to be the asshole.What do I even say?Hi,How are you might as well just say 'want a white russian that's not a hat?'I always have an answer or something to say but this time I'm clueless lets just start with a drink maybe fruit punch or lemonade is that a normal 'Guest' drink?'[/color]He then just clears his mind smokes his cig as he waits to hear Ryva's response thinking maybe he'll have an idea where to go from there.