[b]Paris, France[/b] [b]Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré[/b] The streets of Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré were busy as usual even known it was raining hard. People were soon dried under their umbrellas or inside one of the many art galleries. Cars drove on the street to get to one of the many landmarks in Paris, especially to Salle Pleyel. One of the many famous concert halls in Europe and it was highlighted as one of the best concert halls in France. A woman with a blight yellow umbrella walked the sidewalks as she was looking all over for something. She looked into buildings, alleys, anywhere that was accessible. She looked like one of the models from the fashion magazines as her white skin stool out from the cloudy skies and anyone around her. And she was wearing a red dress with red high heels as she tried to find the thing. Then, she dug in her purse for a piece of people and it took her a moment to dig until she found it and brought it out of the purse. The tiny paper read in France: [i]"Passer à Palais de l'Elysée et vous me verrez là - Adélaïde" ("Go to Élysée Palace and you will see me there - Adelaide")[/i] She kept a strong grip on the paper and umbrella as she kept walking until she stopped near the intersection. There she saw the palace's monumental gate with four Ionic columns, flanked by walls topped by a balustrade. The guards, with their blight uniforms, marched near the gate of the palace and they didn't mind the flashes from their cameras. She looked at the gate and the guards until she saw a figure inside the palace's gate. The woman was interested in the figure and tried to get a good look of the figure. Then, she heard her name being shouted out loud by another woman. "Victoria! Victoria!" the woman shouted and waved at her as she was also holding a blight yellow umbrella. She turned as soon as she heard her name being shouted and walked towards her as she said, "You must be Adelaide.". "I am Adelaide and you must be Victoria." Adelaide said to Victoria with her broken English as she wished that she could speak in her native language. "Yeah, I am Victoria. It's amazing here! Better than back home in Washington!" Victoria said with excitement as she couldn't wait for her first day at her new modeling job. Adelaide smiled her Victoria's excitement as she said in a happy tone, "Then, let's go! Follow me to your new home!". The women began to walk and Adelaide talked about her new place; however, she was still curious at the mysterious figure she saw earlier. But that soon stopped as Adelaide got her attention and sighed as she had to explain it again in her broken English.[hr] [b]Paris, France[/b] [b]Élysée Palace[/b] The sounds of raindrops was relaxing for the president as he was busy overlooking papers about the current war with Spain and Pan-African Empire. Things were getting interesting as the Pan-African lost an important battle near one of the coastal cities near the Mediterranean Sea. And they suffered heavy losses. The empty tea cup was near him and he was too busy reading in order to care about it. Is this the moment that he had been waiting for? He wasn't such, but he was willing to take a risk on it. He stopped reading the papers and looked at the time. 3:30. The Minister of Defense should be around her at any moment and then he could ask about this opportunity. He waited until he heard a knock and he got out of his chair and said, "Come on in.". The minister walked in and greeted the president and sat down on the chair near the desk. "President, I just got word about the battle that was a heavy lost for the African nation." the minister said as he looked around the office and saw the president, sitting on his chair. "I know, Michaël. That is why that should take this opportunity and launch the invasion." the president said with a smile on his face as soon as he said the word 'invasion'. "President." Michaël begun to speak, but he was cut off from him as he said to him, "Come on now, you don't have to be all formal on me.". He sighed in annoyance and then said, "Élie, I know you want to launch the invasion; but, I am not even such that our men are ready for it. I mean, they have been training in Madagascar for almost two months. But, France doesn't need to be in war to gain land.". Élie shook his head around as he said, "What? You think that Spain will just give us Algeria back? Don't be that stupid.". "I'm not. I am just being careful about this. The Confederation of Tanganyika and Mozambique have a powerful ally, even from our standards." the minister said as he was going to get him calm, "I am just saying that we take our time in this.". The president stool up from his chair and walked over to the window and said out loud, "Look outside. It's cloudy as hell out there. Just imagine what it is like in Tanganyika and Mozambique. All sunny.". The Minister shook his head around in shame and said, "I don't care about the sun. In fact, I like the clouds here more than the sun. Anyways, I think it's dumb to go into this head first. We still need time.". The president has got sick and tired of the minister's delaying of the invasion and he said, "We have been training our men and ships for months at Madagascar. And we can rely on the United Kingdoms for support, if they do decide to help out their allies. And we have half of our navy in the Mediterranean Sea and half in base in Madagascar. I am such that we are ready for this.". Michaël gave up fighting against him and said to him annoying, "Fine. I will inform the Major-General of the navy and Commander of the army that the invasion is underway. It will take a few weeks to launch it from our base in Madagascar, but we will be at Maputo as soon as possible.". The president smiled and said to him, "I knew that you would come around.". The Minister got out of the chair and walked to the door as she said, "I just hope to God that you know the risks of this invasion.". Then, he exited out of the room and walked as fast as he could to get out of the palace.[hr] [b]Toliara, Madagascar[/b] [b]Toliara Military Base & Port[/b] The military base was busy with supplies on the move and soldiers just returning for their training in the jungles. The base and port is located about a mile and half away from the city of Toliara to pervert the citizens to have to deal with the military and their daily tasks. Plus, it was near a large, thick jungle perfect for training soldiers. They train in the jungles daily to defend Madagascar if it does get invaded and to get know the jungles of Africa. The port was also busy with French ships waiting for the next missions at sea, which were just scouting the other countries in Africa. Overlooking the ships, Major-General Martial Solé was sitting in his office as he waited for something to arrive at his desk. Martial was just getting done with his tea as he heard footsteps coming from the hallway. He set down the tea as soon as he saw that an officer was at the doorway. The major spoke to the officer first as he said, "Why are you here?". "Major, sir, The Minister of Defense wishes to talk to you on the phone." the officer said to the Major as he left the doorway and headed back to his position. Interested at the minister's request, he picked up the phone and put in the numbers. A moment later, he heard the minister's voice as he said to him, "Major, are you there?". Martial silently laughed for a moment at that sentence and then said, "Yeah, I am here. What do you need, sir?". "The operation is activated. Get your ships ready for the invasion and the long trip." the minister said on the other line as there was silence from both sides of the line. "Well, I will inform them to get ready for it. Does the commander know about the invasion?" Martial said with doubt in his voice, as he thinks that they aren't ready for it. "He does know and he is currently talking to the generals at Madagascar." Michaël said towards the major as he was getting ready to hang up the line. "Thank you, sir. I will talk to you again." the major said as there was still the shock in his voice. Michaël said his goodbyes to the major and hung up the line. Martial was still holding the phone as he decided to call the guys at the radio tower. He needed to inform everyone that the invasion is a go.