As the arrows came flying, the mind of whatever had taken over what was once Rodrigo did not cease. It did not think, and the only words that were on its frontal lobe were the same echoed over and over. It was a droned, monotone "MURDER" which screamed, but in a depressing way, but seemed itself devoid of suffering. The creature blinked at Pathos, showing its blank expression, before standing upright. It held its hands out as two black balls formed before them. Suddenly, the entire area around Rodrigo's body turned completely black. It was not a failure in electrical wiring- the lights were fine elsewhere in the city and some lights around the border even seemed to be half operating and not. Simply, the area around Rodrigo was in complete absence of light, that not even Rodrigo himself could see. The only noise that could be heard was the low, predatory snarl. Still, the droning continued. "Murder... murder... murder..." it thought.