[color=7bcdc8]Mason smirked, as the explosions went off, his opponent not even making but a minor ineffective move. His Prism, although formed from light did not need light once it was created. Even in those cases where he had no light, the Prism was also able to be created off emotions, in the pitch black darkness, although he wouldn't have been able to produce the same amount. In this case however, his Prism was already on the go. Whoever the man was, made a logical move, but the momentary sphere of darkness that he tried to project would not have any effect. Direct hit. Mason sheathed his bow, and bowed his head. The loss though, was tragic. "SeƱor, ten piedad de mi alma" [color=white]|[i]Lord, Have mercy on my soul.[/i]|[/color] [/color]