The tavern was suddenly becoming quite popular as, most likely, new arrivals were shuffling into the town for whatever their reason. The woolly centaur, although a very interesting curiosity at first, became a faded interest in Feiia’s eyes as the novelty of a sheep-bodied centaur started to become nothing new. The woman’s cheeriness was complimented by a rather foreign accent that seemed to match her attitude quite well. Just exactly what the centaur was doing here, probably far away from her place of origin was still a mystery to the Snow Elf. Visiting family, perhaps? Whatever the reason, she seemed fairly innocent so the reason why she is traveling probably couldn’t be that far off from Feiia’s original guess. The next arrivals were a pair of Elves, one a male and the other a female. They both had their own sets of fine, golden-trimmed armor and they looked well equipped. Their intentions were probably a lot less innocent compared to the centaur’s but they appeared to be a rather lawful sorts, not the lawful sorts hunting Feiia, but another type. Their matching armor seemed to suggest that they came from the same Order or Guard or whatever. And although the male was the first one to meet Feiia’s eye for a mutual nod, he wasn’t at all as interesting as the female. Red, youthful hair was a rather unusual trait for an elf but even more odd were the tucked away wings. She was a bizarre woman but nonetheless, Feiia couldn’t help but eye the woman with a hint of desire. She seemed to have quite a bit of traits that Feiia found particularly attractive: slender, fit, and seemingly powerful and composed. That put the number up to four rather enthralling women to be found in this little tavern: the Elf, Cass, Viv, and Feiia, most of all of course. The Snow Elf bit her lip amid a smile as some rather vivid fantasies came to mind. Feiia had almost missed the latest entry. A movement in the corner of Feiia’s eye alerted her to the presence skulking about. If she wasn’t so alarmed about being hunted and if she wasn’t particularly skilled at sneaking around herself, she wouldn’t have noticed the male Drow. Even then, it was only just she managed to notice him. He, too, was young and seemingly agile. Most notable was there were times were Feiia would lose him for a brief second as he passed by items that obstructed Feiia’s view. Whether the man was that gifted or not was irrelevant, the fact that he was appeared to be trying to remain unnoticed definitely sent alarms running off in Feiia’s head. The Snow Elf found herself drawing one of her belted daggers, laced with a fast acting poison, and rested it gently in between her fingers right under the table. It wasn’t just lawful sorts looking for her, but those who she would consider her own might be after her, too. Was this male Drow after her? It didn’t hurt to be prepared. Her focus was so great that she didn’t even noticed the Raven, Cassandra’s Familiar. His sudden apology startled Feiia and she was quick to snap to attention, raising the dagger above the table and poised to strike with it. She halted within a moment as soon as she realized who it was that addressed her. Feiia sharply exhaled, mostly out of relief but out of some annoyance. “[i]Pe-channas! You idiot![/i]” Feiia cursed quietly so that only the two of them could hear. She lowered her weapon back under the table before continuing in a hushed voice. “I-I thought you were something else.” Feiia took a deep breath before easing up. She was being to paranoid, maybe. But she’d have to keep an eye out for that Drow. Resuming a more natural posture, Feiia answered the Raven in a regular speaking voice, which for her always carried a bit of a “attitude” as some people have described it. “Milk or something. I don’t care from which animal, really. Whatever stew or soup that you can mix together but I want a nice variety in there so toss in whatever you have. Finally more of those bilberries that you get around here. I like those.” Feiia finished with a warm, cheery smile as she took delight in the thought of eating those berries but the moment was short and she returned to scanning the tavern for the Drow and anyone else who might be threatening.