[b]Name:[/b] Skrall Karak [b]Universe:[/b] Latrisia (Original) [b]Race:[/b] Komodian [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Tier:[/b] Powered [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 5'3'' [b]Weight:[/b] 160 lbs [b]Appearance:[/b] Skrall is a bipedal lizard with dark scales covering his body. His face protrudes forward, forming a reptilian mouth filled with dozens of sharp teeth. He has a tail as well, and, unlike his mammalian counterparts, only has four fingers on each hand, each ending in a small claw. His eyes are a dark amber color. Skrall wears a cloak made of raven feathers, and has various bird related ornaments decorating his body, including two piercings through the bottom of his jaw. His other clothing is made of fine silk, and high-quality cotton. He goes barefoot though, leaving his rough, scaly feet exposed. His menacing appearance belies the jovial attitude that is revealed once he opens his mouth. [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Expert Bird Handler -[/i] Skrall is as well versed in understanding and training raptors as a professional falconer. He can identify virtually any kind of bird by song or sight, knows how they behave, and can coordinate his attacks with them in combat accordingly. He also has a way of calming and ultimately taming wild birds, though outright training them takes quite a bit of time. [i]Expert Storyteller -[/i] Skrall's stories are the best. He tells them with such energy and gives exquisite details to enrapture the listener. He knows tales and songs from all across Latrisia, and has woven many stories of his own travels as well. [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Shamanic Magic -[/i] As a wing shaman, Skrall can make pacts with birds, and make magical artifacts from pieces of their body (see weapons/equipment). These artifacts vary in power and grant Skrall abilities related to the natural abilities of the bird. As Skrall is the one who made the pact with the birds, only Skrall can use these artifacts. [i]Soul Tansfer -[/i] Skrall can temporarily throw his soul into a bird's body. While in this state, he perceives the world as the bird does. He can freely control birds that he summons (see [i]summoning feathers[/i]), and can influence the behavior of wild birds. He also has full access to all of the bird's memories. While in this state, he cannot move his body, and is completely vulnerable. The soul transfer ends either at Skrall's will or if the bird he is possessing is killed. In either scenario, his soul bounces immediately back into his body. [i]Whirlwind of Feathers -[/i] Skrall can summon a small cyclone of feathers (8 ft. tall, 5 ft. radius). The feathers have sharp edges and act as so many swirling blades, but maintain the mass of actual feathers, so they do not cut deeply. Each feather dissipates once it hits a solid surface (wood, armor, a rock), but not when they cut living flesh. They will also dissipate regardless after 10 seconds. [b]Weapons/Equipment:[/b] [i]Raven Feather Cloak -[/i] A shamanic artifact comprised of multiple raven feathers. This cloak shields Skrall from rough weather far better than a normal cloak. It blocks rainwater as if it is coated in a layer of wax, prevents skin damage from strong sunlight, and provides a decent amount of warmth in cold weather. It also allows him to glide through the air or gently float to the ground, though he cannot outright fly. [i]Raptor Gauntlets -[/i] In Skrall's travels, he encountered an eagle that had been mortally wounded by hunters. He made a pact with the eagle to care for its chicks until they could fend for themselves, and in exchange he fashioned a pair of powerful gauntlets from its talons. The gauntlets give Skrall immense striking power, allowing him to crush stone and even damage metal. They also give him eyes as sharp as an eagle's, allowing him to focus his vision to see clearly at incredible distances. [i]Owl Piercing -[/i] One of Skrall's jaw piercings is adorned with an owl feather. This artifact allows him to see in the dark, and twist his neck 180 degrees. [i]Gannet Piercing -[/i]Skrall's second jaw piercing is adorned with a gannet feather. This artifact reduces water resistance when he is swimming/diving, allows him to strike submerged targets with enhanced accuracy, and lets him dry off within seconds. [i]Penguin Necklace -[/i]Skrall found that the far south was much too cold for his reptilian blood, so he fashioned a necklace out of a crested penguin's yellow feather. This artifact allows him to tolerate extremely cold temperatures, albeit uncomfortably. [i]Summoning Feathers -[/i] Skrall carries on him a number of feathers that allow him to summon the associated bird. Once summoned, the birds will act according to his will. He can summon up to three birds at a time. If a bird is killed, it will turn into a wisp of smoke, return to Skrall, and reform as a feather, however, the feather must be repaired before it can be used again. If Skrall unsummons a bird, it will return to him as well and [i]can[/i] be reused. Skrall has the following summoning feathers at his disposal: 1 parrot, 3 blue jays, 3 mocking birds, 2 spotted owls, 2 peregrine falcons, 2 vultures, 1 emu, 1 albatross, 3 crows, 1 raven, and 1 flamingo. [b]Bio:[/b] Born and raised in the Morohawa desert oasis, Skrall lived a privileged childhood free from conflict. However, unlike most of his brethren, who were content never setting foot beyond their native sands, Skrall possessed a natural curiosity about the world. So, he pursued studies in becoming a wing shaman, the one sect within the tribe that brings news of the outside world, as well as promotes komodian goods, which outsiders call "exotic" and pay top-dollar for. So, Skrall began his journey, learning as much as he could about the world, helping out those in need, and never failing to speak his mind.