Trixy noticed that he chose his words carefully around this waitress, referring to her as '…an old friend'. When the waitress' eyes darted back over to her, Trixy gave her warmest smile. The girl rushed off to the kitchen, probably itching to spread some gossip. Solenne looked back at her, [i]”So… what did you need? Wait”[/i] he rubbed at his temple gently as if he was able to read vampire minds like she was, Trixy chuckled lightly in wait [i]“It’s the rogue isn’t it?”[/i] he said. He was surprisingly spot on, which caught Trixy off guard. [i]”Right?”[/i] he pressed and Trixy nodded. “Yes, indeed, it is a rogue. I almost had him yesterday but… things got complicated.” Her voice trailed off a little, she wasn’t willing to discuss that part of the story. “Anyway, I know what he looks like, roughly. Blonde, tall, pale, I would guess a Swedish vampire. Did he check in with you?” Trixy realized that she never really went through the formal ‘check-in’ process herself. “Consider this my ‘check-in’ by the way.” She said with a teasing smile. And then, as if a dark cloud had to come in and rain on her so far very pleasant day, in walked Tholo. Trixy nonchalantly pulled her wrist under the café table, hiding the name as if it would hide the person itself. She wasn’t quite ready to admit to Solenne that the fates had paired her with a wolf. Surely he wouldn’t come over here, he wanted as little to do with her as she him. But, the rambunctious red-head had other plans and beelined for their table, greeting Solenne and then, in turn, her. Trixy laughed a little at the sister comment. “I’m Béatrix, a very old friend.” Her voice was level and still maintaining a friendly warmth. It would seem off to Solenne if she didn’t show some sign of hatred towards an unknown werewolf, so she flicked her eyes flicked to Tholo and wrinkled her nose in disgust, [i]’pretend you don’t know me’[/i] she projected into the wolf’s mind. Another waitress came out with Trixy’s order and placed it on the table, mispronouncing the name. “It’s espresso, dear, with an ‘s’” Béatrix corrected. Another fault of most Americans is that they consistently butcher words from other cultures. The waitress then put her hand on Solenne’s shoulder blade. [i]Ahh[/i] thought Trixy, “This must be the one you mentioned?” she asked Solenne with a raised brow. “A human, that’s… interesting.” She mused, not mentioning the fact that that hadn’t worked out in the past for Solenne. Come to think of it, Solenne had managed to kill one of his soulmates, why then couldn’t Trixy do the same? Maybe the rules had changed… "Béatrix" she offered her name in a returned greeting. Trixy noticed the obvious discomfort by the girl’s body language. “Don’t worry, Mia. I’m here on business. Although I could see plenty of reasons not to trust me, and you shouldn't, but you should trust SoSo. He is a good man,” she looked to Solenne with a mischievous smile, like a kid who was about to light an abandoned barn on fire “and an even better lover.” She said it to be not only a dig at Mia, but at Tholo.