Mikael brushed his brown hair backwards into a rough backslick and smiled that NerveGear was going to put him to the test for real as soon as he goes online into this new SAO game. Better up for his studies the LC seemed to host this game server too. Allowing himself to laugh briefly before installing himself onto place for the game Safehold Assault Online. The game booted up briefly until the title screen started up and he got to the character creation. Name, Eld Brinna the swedish influenced choice ment Fire Burning, more or less but hey, not many would catch that and it had a good ring to it. Going for a tank build he focused his stats on VIT, STR and HIT, skipping dodge as Defensive focuses made the most sense when aiming for the servers top tier players and making his own acknowledged rank. He did feel quite nervous going into the game with the equipment he had running him, but it was also very liberating and Mikael could always find comfort that his general mmo skills was pretty bad ass. It still sucked though that he would have to discover alot of the class tuning out by himself. [i]"Have fun..."[/i] a voice said and another voice added [i]"and good luck"[/i] "Alright!" Mikael said to himself as he sent himself finished and ready to spawn. It was then that a bright light hit his face and he found himself infront of a new world...