Okay, here's the "Presidential CS" fill it out when you can. And remember to answer each question as well-thought out as you can, no simple yes or nos. It's not important that you answer how you as a person would answer. This is how the president you want to play would answer. [B]Foreign Affairs[/B] Is China an economic or military threat to the US? Should there be an independent Palestinian state? What is your stance on the War on Terror? Are you in favor of endorsing the Bush Doctrine (pursuing nations that harbor or sponsor terrorism) or are you in favor of a more pragmatic approach to terrorist organizations and the countries in which they operate? Are covert drone strikes on terrorist and suspected terrorist locations a policy you would endorse? Is the authorized arresting and indefinite detaining of suspected terrorists, including US citizens, without charge good for America? [B]Domestic Affairs[/b] Should nonviolent drug users be jailed? Should the federal government increase direct financial aid (loans/grants/debt relief) for college students? Are more federal regulations on guns and ammunition needed? Should gay marriage be legal? Should the US Constitution and Bill of Rights be amended or updated in any way? Should drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) be allowed? Are federal health care reform laws good for America? [b]Economy/Taxes/Entitlement[/b] Is outsourcing jobs to other countries good for America? Should the federal deficit be reduced without raising any taxes? Does the US need welfare and food stamp reform or abolishment? Are illegal immigrants a net gain to the US economy? Do lower taxes provide incentive for employers to hire more workers? Should Social Security be privatized?