The server had given them drinks rather promptly and Komada opted for a clear glass filled with some kind of bright orange liquid. She held it with two hands carefully, enjoying slow, long draws of liquid from the straw... It was still amazing how they could make anything flavoured in this place. They were eating and felt full, and yet they wouldn't gain a pound. There was a rather pungent kick to the drink, but it also tasted somewhat carbonated. Her initial reaction was one of surprise, but after a few sips it began to taste normal and she gave a small smile, letting out a sigh as some commotion raised nearby. Her attention perked up and she turned curiously, impulsively leaning down without removing her eyes from the scene before her to take another sip. Those twins from earlier seemed to be a bit involved, but one was so entirely detached from what was happening to her sister that it was almost stressful. Komada almost envied her for being so calm and able to let absolutely nothing affect her demeanor. But, wouldn't those boys have money from the training that day? Even Komada was impressed by her cash intake and was rather excited to see what she could do with it. Finally, Hanta rose out of his seat and she watched him. "Onii-chan, wai-" she started, finally putting her glass down and hopping off of the seat after him, but he had already involved himself. The girl instinctively put a hand on the hilt of her blade, though it was far from intimidating, she didn't want to seem useless as she stepped up behind her friend. The scene was silenced by that boy from yesterday and Komada looked down, the life draining from her for a moment as she remembered why she had even met him in the first place. Thankfully, the atmosphere would soon change as one of the twins almost attacked Hanta and she felt something twinge inside of her but ignored it quickly and smiled as Hana praised the boy. Komada opened her mouth to answer his non-verbal plea for help before being cut off. Finally, the other girl spoke as she walked by, "Of course we can sit with him. He wouldn't have interfered if he wasn't prepared to accept responsibility for it. You ask for permission too often, Hana," She said, resting her hands on her hips. Komada was in shock - that was a litlte bit rude, asserting herself like that... But then, she was right, the action was an invitation on the most basic level. She bit the inside of her cheek for a moment, looking the two girls over, before getting up the courage to introduce herself. "Seeing as nobody else is going to do it, I'm Komada," She said with a smile, extending a hand. Lily stared at the outstretched appendage blankly before ignoring its existence entirely. Komada huffed in embarrassment, blushing; there couldn't be even a year between them, and yet she felt so much smaller than the other two girls. Why were they so tall? Once they had all sat down, Komada returned to her drink as a thought itched the back of her mind before she finally, tactlessly blurted out, "You two don't look Japanese... How'd you get into the game?" She asked. It was already considered rude to talk about life outside of Aincrad, but Komada was entirely oblivious to it; however, the question itself was a bit inappropriate given any circumstance, though it balanced well against Lily's previous assuming attitude. The neutral twin was the first to react with a shrug, "That's because our parents were from Britain before going to Japan. We've lived there our entire lives apart from when we visit family..." Komada's eyes lit up at the reply and she began to fire off questions, leaning forward on the table, her hands wrapped around her half-full beverage. "Really? What's it like? I've always wanted to go there... Does that mean you guys speak Japanese [i]and[/i] English? I can barely read the romaji on the names in this game... Did you guys go to London? Why did your parents come here?" Her curiosity had been lit ablaze and was not running rampant. She had always loved new scenery, cities, and other cultures.