[quote=Prometheus] I really liked that ministory, gotta say. I dislike the word "boob", however. I try to avoid it in just about every context. It just... it's very inelegant. Like, you have "breast" for when you need to mention one, and you have "tits" for when someone's talking about them. Boob is just... it's a very awkward word. It's fun to use it as an insult, though. Like, I will totally call someone a boob in casual conversation.Can I come play with you guys? I've written stuff up for Acacia over the past couple of days, pretty isolated, but fun. At the time of me writing this, she's currently been bitten by a walker, is almost entirely naked, and is completely lost. Good stuff.I've got no interest in GMing or anything, but I'd like to participate to some degree, if you're okay with that. At the very least, I'd like to be able to post when my muse hits me.In any case, I'll write up something for Daryl in the OP in the coming days. He deserves to have something there, I've grown fond of him as a character. [/quote] You really hurt us back there.... Don't know if we're ready to trust again so soon. Done with those CSs yet? ;) Seriously though, if it's cool with Aweena it's good by me. I'd say just check out the new stuff and probably do a CS for both Daryl & Acacia if you plan on having them both being serious roles. We've got a super simple dice system we're trying out, but it really only works for Playable Characters. Anyway, I look forward to seeing your new stuff!