Azga opened his eyes as he spawned in the landscape of the black guild. In the distance he could see a few dissolutions... Ah... As he looked around he knew where he was. Right where he'd been in the motorcycle with that girl. CorpseCollector was her name, right? He looked ahead of him, seeing the dark building where the Black King had resided last time he'd been in there. He exhaled slowly, gripping his hands into fists as he felt the magic and power rushing through his digitized veins. The wind blew his cape dramatically behind him and he slipped on his sleek glasses, pushing them up the bridge of his nose. He tilted his head back, loving the feeling of the artificial wind blowing through his blonde locks... but he opened his eyes and began rushing ahead, dragon staff clenched tightly in hand. Without a partner, he couldn't fight the dissolutions. At best, he'd be able to paralyze them and run. For now he decided to avoid the lurking black shapes, even ducking behind boulders when he thought one might be turning its ugly face to look at him before lumbering off. He kept his eye on the prize. Though there were others in the area, he didn't care. All he wanted to do was to find the Black King and demand an answer.... The thought made him pause behind the boulder. If he approached the black king with that attitude, it would give away his real world identity. His eyes narrowed and he tapped the ground with his staff in thought. It would be best to stick to his persona, then. Get cozy with the black king... and... did he really have a plan? He glared at the dirt over his glasses... and decided to make it up as he went along. He was [i]Azga.[/i] Impulse was his specialty.