“I am yes,” Valis answered Vivian, “but if that’s a problem I’ll gladly eat anything you make!” She added, knowing that the vegetarian life may be rather hard during the cold season. It wasn’t she couldn’t eat meat, as she did occasionally, it’s she preferred not to, feeling bad for the creature that lost its life. Valis looked over, smiling at Cassandra to show she had heard her. “Thank you, dearie. I’ll be sure to not make a mess of the tavern.” The centaur made her way toward the back where she wouldn’t be in the way; briefly glancing around to see more had arrived inside. It made sense given the chilly weather. Seble had come out of hiding, clinging to Valis, and made a chirp of satisfaction when she had heard Cassandra defend her. She had nothing against other familiars, but wasn’t too fond of anything resembling that of a bird. She figured making more of a fuss would make Valis upset with her, but she managed to sneak in a glare at Bernard as he deemed her unworthy of being eaten. She moved a few chairs out of the way, placing them on the other side of the table she has chosen. She also removed her long cane that was hung on her side from her bag and leaned it against the wall. With everything in place, she settled down, folding her legs under her. Valis then turned to the saddle bag still strapped on her. She opened a few of the compartments to pull out a dyed ball of yarn as well a pair of knitting needles and began to knit as a way to pass time. Seble watched up from her perch on Valis’ horns, seeming to be mesmerized from the needle work.