From the corner of her eyes, Sela noticed a figure quickly moving towards her. Her first reaction, from the nature of the figure's intention, would have been to quickly stand and get ready to beat the living daylights out of them. However, her mind managed to calm that instinct down and forced her head to turn in the direction of the person approaching instead. [i]Oh.[/i] Sela let a smile escape. [i]Little miss toughy pants is back[/i] She chuckled, realizing that she didn't even have to begin the conversion, Beatrice did that all by herself. [color=79cdcd]"Huge!"[/color] Sela's eyes were fixated on Beatrice's hands. She didn't even say the comeback she had had in mind. [color=79cdcd]"Those are some epic hands you got there.." [/color] Her facial muscles formed a sly smile, almost like clockwork. [color=79cdcd]"I bet you're real good with those, eh?"[/color] She had to say it, if she hadn't, someone else would have definitely stolen that spotlight. [i]And we couldn't have that, now could we?[/i] [right][@Kautalya][/right]