[center][color=79cdcd]"Huge!"[/color][/center] [color=B22222]"H-Huh?"[/color] Beatrice stepped back, a bit bewildered. That's when Sela mentioned Beatrice had some 'epic' hands, [color=B22222]"Now you notice em?"[/color] She muttered, staring down at her hands. They really were awesome, although she couldn't do any cool magic. All Beatrice can do is break or smash objects. [i]Or people.[/i] [center][color=79cdcd]"I bet you're real good with those, eh?"[/color][/center] [color=B22222]"Yeah! These babies can smash anything in their pa-"[/color] Beatrice mouth opened, forming around a failed reply. [i]Nothing.[/i] She didn't understand, as if her brain short-circuited and needed to be rebooted. Around her, everything was in fast-forward while she was motionless in the middle of it all. [i]How could this happen? How could I have been tricked!? How could a queen like me, be tricked!?[/i] Beatrice could feel the redness beginning in her chest then moving up her neck and not stopping until her entire face was as red as a candy apple. [color=B22222]"Y-Y-You p-p-per-pervert!"[/color] [center][i]Again. It happened again! This girl loves making fun of me! I-I cant believe this![/i][/center] Beatrice scoffed at Sela, a bit annoyed. [i]Lowly peasant, I'll get my revenge.[/i] She scanned the room, watching every student go by. That's when she noticed an oddly suspicious red headed girl. [i]My, my, my. Why is she not fawning over my beauty? OH GOD, maybe she saw that embarrassing scene just now!?[/i] The red headed girl was sitting next to Lilith, who had forsaken her precious chance to ask Beatrice a question. Beatrice was still waiting for that question. [center][color=B22222]"ay, you with the ponytail. Why are you pretending I'm not here? You should've bowed your head when I marched over here."[/color] Beatrice said. [/center] [@Karisma] [@Melodia Alluna] [@yukisaa]