[center] [color=00FA9A][h2]Yuna Hōjō[/h2][/color] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/1zeed76.jpg[/IMG] [color=00FA9A][i][b]"Even the simplest things in life can bring the most joy."[/b][/i][/color] o---ooo------------------o----------------------ooo------------------o----------------------ooo---o [/center] [color=00FA9A][b]"Hmmmmm hmmmmmm...hmmm hmmm hmmmmmmmm..."[/b][/color] A sweet angelic humming echoed through the small bedroom on the highest floor of the Hōjō Bathouse and Inn, as the eyes of a small child were lulled into the blissful unaware. The melodic tune went on for several seconds thereafter until absolutely certain the child had dozed off. Yuna, a young mother, was tending to her restless daughter, who seemed to have been frequently suffering from nightmares. Yuna's humming seemed to help her daughter's unwanted dreams. [b]"Her nightmares, they seem to be getting worse you know..."[/b], a gentle voice spoke from nearby. Yuna looked up from her daughter's resting face and frowned softly. [color=00FA9A][b]"I know, but I didn't think she'd be having them so early. And the bathhouse was so busy last night, I didn't have much time to help her go back to sleep". [/b][/color] It was an unusual trait that the Hojo's possessed, that as the Batthouse was passed down through the generations, so was their clans propensity from obtrusive and frequent nightmares. It was an unfortunate and inexplicable disorder they seemed to suffer from. Sleeps were sometimes restless when the nightmare was particularly unfriendly. A complete nights sleep was certainly a blessing for them. Yuna received the message to her phone and stood up, briefly bending down to kiss the forehead of her child before she headed towards her mother. [b]"It's a miracle your nightmares stopped when they did".[/b] Yuna froze, and then slid past her mother as she headed for her own room nearby. Her mother crossed her arms. [b]"Yuna...what is it?"[/b] The ginger stood behind her [url=http://www.gharexpert.com/mid/1127200835449.jpg]clothes changing screen[/url] as she changed into her combat uniform. [b][color=00FA9A]"Actually...they didn't stop."[/color][/b] [b]"Oh?"[/b], her mother curtly responded as she raised an eyebrow. [color=00FA9A][b]"I'm sorry. It's so unlike me to be dishonest. It's just that I had this strange idea in my head that Noh wouldn't have the nightmares if I stopped acknowledging my own. So when you asked if I was still having them, well--I said no."[/b][/color] [b]"Ah. Self-fulfilling prophecy?"[/b] [color=00FA9A][b]"Something like that."[/b][/color] Yuna walked out from behind the screen, finally changed and ready to head out to the meeting at the square. This would be her first mission since moving to Konohagakure. She couldn't deny that she missed the comfort of her old chunin team in Getsugakure. A new experience, a adventure. Certainly she pained to have to leave the presence of her daughter for an extended period of time, but it was something that was required of her profession. Hopefully she'd be back soon. Probably not though. In all honesty, she wasn't particularly thrilled about being the "new girl" and meeting new people. Once you start talking, they want to know all about you, where you come from, your history. She liked to keep her personal life to herself. She just had a very mysterious and secretive persona about her. But now was not the time for discussions about nightmares. She had a duty to fulfill to Konoha. Rushing through the floors and elusively evading through the busy morning bustle of the Bathhouse, she finally made her way outside and sprinted towards the meeting square in front of the Hokage's office. Yuna started off on the outskirts, so when she was finally getting closer and had structures she could hop on and off from, she immediately expedited her travel speed. When she arrived, she stood on a nearby building rooftop and looked down. A mass of ninja crowded the area. It looked particularly stuffy, uncomfortably so. With her keen perception and watchfulness, she scoured the crowd for a place to stand. The wind was somewhat strong today. It was causing her long flaming ginger hair to dance with the wind as if it were waving in water. She moved a bit of her hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear as she spotted a ninja standing with a group of kids. Kids. This was comforting to see. They reminded her of her own daughter, even though they were way older. But it was this simple correlation between the two that was enough to draw Yuna in. But the ninja and his kid-nin were a bit too far away for her to jump to in one leap. So she did the next simplest thing. Pulled out her bubble pipe, blew a giant bubble around herself, and gently floated above the crowd until it settled near the children and released her with a subtle *Pop*. Her [i]Drifting Bubble Technique[/i]. It was a relatively slow moving technique, but it had its uses. Certainly not useful for long distance travel however. She briefly looked at the ninja who was apparently in charge of the kids. Her expression remained blank, but brightened into a lovely smile as she looked at the children near him. Yuna wiggled her fingers at them dotingly, but paused as one of them was pushed to the ground by a fellow classmate. A young boy with glasses who by appearance alone, looked like the youngest of the group was the victim. [b]"Don't be a baby"[/b], the one who pushed him smirked. Yuna calmly stepped near them and knelt down to the injured boy. It was a small bruise on his knee. Not too bad, but when she touched it, he winced. Yuna smiled warmly as she placed her hands over his knee. [b][color=00FA9A]"Don't worry love"[/color][/b], she whispered gently, as an enchanting aquamarine light engulfed the wound, and after a few seconds, healed it completely. The [i]Mystical Palm Technique[/i]. The boy turned red and blushed, briefly rubbing his knee in amazement to see the bruise had vanished. [b]"Errr--ummm--th-th-tha-thank you"[/b], the stuttering boy replied as he pushed his glasses back up on his nose. Yuna stood up slowly and winked at him. [color=00FA9A][b]"Your very welcome dear..."[/b][/color] She didn't even acknowledge the bully who pushed the glasses wearing boy or the supposed ninja watching over them. A reassuring smile appeared on her face as she looked back towards the front. This was a pleasant way to start her day.