With another mysterious cloud of flour, the Head Chef Ninja disappeared from the room with his pig in his hand, and a lanky pastry chef that was on his smoke break. With a quick sprint, and a loud oink from his pig companion he headed off to begin the search of the territory they would soon be venturing into. Flask would scout out this territory. _________________________________________________________________________________________ After a successful expedition of the territory, Flask returned back with his pig, the pastry chef who assisted him and an ornate scroll. Flask glanced towards the pastry chef and gave a single nod. The Head Chef quickly did the ninja pose of holding out his right middle and index finger, while gripping his left fist. [hider=DUNGEON MAP][img]http://i.imgur.com/CTY5FzA.png[/img][/hider] "I have finished my investigation of the territory." Flask calmly stated, as his pig gave a loud satisfied oink. "The land we are venturing to is controlled by the Ogrekin Champ known as Spoosh. In total there are seventeen monsters and seven traps that we will need to deal with. I have determined that two of these traps are respectively a Lock and a False Corridor." Flask removed his right hand from the left fist, and began to pet his pig. "With this information..." The Ninja began leaning on his pig, as he kept a dramatic pause. "Accomplishing the mission will be a simple task."