Angelo had long finished his lunch of a single slice of pizza and was waiting on lily to get to the roof. Unfortunately because this entire endeavor took to long Angelo had little time to actually teach her anything. He had planned on taking her into a battle and teaching her on site but with little time to do so he will just have to explain it. Once she was finally on the roof he walked over sighing a little [color=green] Alright lily since we are low on time im just going to explain to you what the lesson was going to be about. we were going to talk about using the environment to your advantage for example if their was an area that had many open areas a red player would easily keep an enemy away while still delivering damage from afar. Since your avatar is green your much more resistant to damage itself and as such when you are in a closed space you have an advantage cause even if your up against a blue type you will be able to keep them engaged. myself as a purple type im at home in either case but because of my weapon im more suited to mid to long range fights. their are also environments that have hazards like lava or a long cliff using either to your advantage is key to winning a fight[/color] Angelo said and the first bell rang for lunch to be over, he patted her shoulder softly [color=green] so you after school stay safe so I don't need to come to your rescue.[/color] Angelo said but she knew that even if she didn't ask for help he would come to her rescue he was responsible for her well being after all. Angelo walked down the roof to his afternoon classes which would be different from lily's so for the time being until school ended she was on her own...