Name: Agatha "Bewo" Gender: Female Age:64 Appearance:Her snow white hair is matted in several spots, hands gnarled and wrinkled from years of constant use. She has a small hump in her back formed from years of crawling through vents and shafts. She has on an older style vault suit that is stained with grease, sweat and blood. She rarely washes and appears to be generally senile and unclean. Personality: Distant, flat affect, emotionally labile if provoked or approached without warning. Occupation:No true job, lives in the deepest parts of the vaults maintaining machinery as she sees fit. Biography: Agatha, or Bewo, as the dwellers call her was born to a pair of brilliant scientists. Her father a trained physician pioneered vault medicine technology. Improving upon the original StimPak design, increasing its functionality and ease of use. Her mother one the opposite spectrum was a celebrated engineer. At the 100 year mark of living in the vault space had run low. Her mother and a small team of engineers studied the vaults original schematics intensely. After years of calculations and testing various scenarios they were finally able to expand the vault, breaking through the earth below opening up space to expand the vault ensuring that future generations would have the space they need to continue to grow. Unfortunately brilliance often has a dark side. Agatha's mother at the age of 42 had a schizophrenic break when Agatha was only 9 years old. She murdered her husband, Agatha's father, in his sleep. Luckily a passing dweller over heard his muffled cries and decided to investigate. He was able to catch Agatha's mother and bring her to justice. Found guilty she was executed leaving Agatha orphaned. Growing up in the small orphanage Agatha kept to herself, developing an interest in machine at a young age. During a middle school mock G.O.A.T test Agatha was found to have off the charts intelligence and incredible aptitude for mechanical work. The head machinist was notified and he quickly took the young girl into his care. She was groomed as his replacement and 10 short years later at the ripe age of 23 Agatha became the lead mechanic in charge of the maintenance and safety of the vault. She did her work diligently and thoroughly. During her time as the lead mechanic Agatha made several upgrades to systems in place that improved efficiency and safety ten fold. The vault at 160 years old was running better than ever. However it all came crashing down 10 years later. The deepest part of the vault, the area her mother had helped create was having a mechanical failure in one of the power rooms. A room designed to run independently. It was crucial it be repaired before sectors lost power. Agatha trusted only herself for this job and ventured down to the depths alone. Unfortunately she was unable to get there in time and the depths of the vault lost power. Water filtration systems, oxygen recycling and food production for the bottom part of the vault was brought to a halt. The few dozen families living in that section were able to relocated safely while the maintenance team assured everyone that Agatha would be able to handle it. Lost in the dark Agatha had a minor breakdown. Her mind panicked and shut down. she knew how dangerous the depths were without power. Some time later hours, days or even weeks she was able to finally come to her senses and find her way to the power room. Working by the light of her pip boy only Agatha was able to repair the automated system and get the power plant running again. It had taken her 4 days since she left. 4 days alone in the dark. A rescue party found her hours later, and were overjoyed having thought her dead. Their joy quickly faded however as they saw the shell of the woman in front of them. It seemed the demons that had haunted her mother had manifested within her. She wasn't violent but she wasn't all their either. Agatha muttered to herself and refused to be taken away from the power plant. Instead she chose to stay. The team gave up trying to take her after a a particularly vicious struggle. Instead they chose to leave her as dead, reporting to the overseer that they had found her dead in the depths. A small memorial was held for her honoring her sacrifice in restoring power to the vault. Years later reports of a small woman living in the maintenance shafts of the deeper parts of the vault began to crop up. The kids began to call her Bewo, the demon of the vault. Mothers used this as stories to scare kids into behaving. "Play nice or the Bewo will get you." Agatha has no malicious intent though. Instead her life is spent maintaining the systems behind the scenes. Her fractured mind only put at ease when she is working with machines. In the years since her demise their has not been a single mechanical issue.