[center]~|Day 1, 21:10-22:00 GST|~[/center] [center]~|Aboard the Kaggath, Holding Cells|~[/center] Alat pressed at the cut on his left pectoral. It had been nasty but it looked like the stitches would hold just fine. After he’d stiched himself he’d gone to meditating. So many things to consider. Was he really going to turn on the Jedi? [i]It’s hardly that simple[/i]. Then again maybe it wasn’t. Alat let all of the thoughts run through him like a river. Whenever he needed to examine an option he plucked it from the stream of thought and turned it over in his mind. It was a pity his master was gone. Things had been simpler then. Master Maut had directed him and he had done what was asked. The meditation Alat had began out of habit took him back to the days when he had trained in the dark lower levels of Coruscant, the barooms of Tatooine and far stranger locals where the only justice was what he handed down and the only Law was Maut’s word. It had been simpler times. As Alat continued his memory walk he focused on his days hunting Sith during the war. It had been a true test finally. Alat had put all his skill to work, no need for justice or mercy and he only had one directive. The Sith must die. Not exactly what the council might have liked but Alat had been trained for the hunt when Maut had finally passed and the council had finally made use of the skills he had learned. Adjusting his mask Alat finally settled back on the bed. [i]Now there were no rules. What did it mean? Was Ven’ren’s word to be his Law? or perhaps Nyiss. Or should he make his own Law.[/i] Anyway you cut it. Alat was a predator without a leash now. He had missed Miasa’s coming but it mattered little. Now he would wait. The poison would spread and he would survive one way or another. [i]Your move[/i]