Alex stretched her muscles, working any knots out as her fists kneaded at her muscular arms before she glanced her blue eyes toward Urick. She saw him seeming to shuffle about and turn red. Yes, she remembered this Urick quite well. So he wasn't completely gone she supposed. She wasn't sure why he acted that way around her. Then again he's always been shy, especially around women. Poor big lug didn't seem to know what to do with himself when around them and having to interact with one. As the big muscular man managed to stammer out a few words, she lightly smiled. Glad to hear some positive words, even if they were hesitaint and shakey. [color=red]"Ya know if I can survive to five years of living among fiends, I'm sure I'm nothing to worry about."[/color] she chuckled before saying. [color=red]"But yeah, it's nice spending time with friends. It's been awhile since we've hung out."[/color] she said before thinkin for a moment as she glanced toward the sky. [color=red]"Hey Uri. Would you have been sad if I had disappeared when you came back?"[/color] she said softly. She was about to say something else until something caught her attention. Whether it be a gut feeling or sixth sense, she glanced around and spotted what looked like the back of Naisha, disappearing into the crowd. [color=red]"Nai?"[/color] Alex questioned before her eyes narrowed at the sight of the people. Why were they looking at her like that? Instinctevly she started walking after the Mage, pondering why she had left everyone else. It was then in the distance, she saw someone throw a rock at the Mage. The tall woman's curious gaze turned into a full on look of absolute fury. Before she could even process what happened, Naisha had left for the temple. Body shaking and fists clenched, Alex couldn't control her temper as she suddenly bolted right for the person who threw it. Grabbing them by the neck and fighting her fists around it, almost looking like she was going to snap it as the man gasped and wheezed for air. Alex snarled and glared, having a hard time even making audible words. It was then she realized the reason. The red head totally forgot Naisha was considered... Different. Because of the fiendish features. [color=red]"You want to go attacking monsters? Try me buddy. Try it. So I can beat your face out from the back of your skull!"[/color] she shouted, watching the stone thrower try to work out of her grasp, desperate for air before she finally dropped him and let him run away. Glaring at other people around, making them jump a bit. She turned her gaze to Urick. [color=red]"Come on, let's add her to our play date."[/color] She said before storming over to the temple. Oddly, when she was just at the gates, her head started pounding but she ignored it and focused on finding the Mage. Seeing her, Alex sighed in relief, walking over and instantly grabbing Naisha's face and looking it over. [color=red]"Nai, you okay? Sorry, I forgot people were dumb with these kind of things. Especially dumb priests. Hey, how about me, you and Urick hang together okay?"[/color] Alex asked, lightly touching the wound and muttered about needing to get a potion. Leaning in close to examine it before fumbling in her pockets but to no avail. We had lost her supplies in the crash and now it was somewhere in sea and she had used he last potion to heal her shoulder. Grumbling in irritation, she shook it off and deemed the injury was at least not too bad. So instead, she took the cloth Nai was using and used it to press against the wound and wiping any blood and the access tears. [color=red]"Doesn't look too bad. That's good. Theeeere! All pretty again."[/color] Alex grinned brightly, trying to cheer her friend up.