Cal stopped and smiled at South, he was glad she had gotten some sleep. The poor girl deserved a break, a civilian tossed into military life, she was out of her league here. He leaned back against his chair, wheeling slowly towards his room. "Just getting some tools, going to meet Alaska down in the motor-pool work on the Mech. You wanted to nickname him Freckles right?" He said as he opened the door to his room and began to collect tools. "You ought to go see your brother he's probably very worried about you. He's training so you can find him their, if you want your welcome to join Alaska and I." He said gathering the last of his tools. Wheeling himself back out he headed back down the hall and down towards the motor-pool, the engineers and even the head tech moved aside from Cal. They didn't mess with him, he was respected mostly because he knew as much as them and maybe even more. Their was also the fact he treated vehicles much better and helped them fix whatever was broken. Finding the mech heaped in a pile he groaned the limbs were shot to hell, the cock pit still had scaring all over it, and worst of all was the fact that it's rocket pods were jammed shut. It would be an all day job, he was glad Alaska was here. He smiled at her and wheeled over looking over the broken mech. "We've got quite the job ahead of us, I guess first thing to do is fix the cockpit and get the limbs back on it. After that you can walk it around, check all of the systems then we focus on armor upgrades, new weapons and pry that missile pod off their. I'm thinking we put some Armor piercing and high explosive in instead." He grinned. "I'm leaving the piloting system in for now, but if South can get her hands on an A.I. we could have a remote back up system to cover us. A heavy assault bot with no personal risk." He said wheeling over he set up and arc welder, preparing to cut loose the broken armor plates. "You mind getting the limbs up and putting them in the work cranes. Your in armor so it'll as easy and lifting me over your head." He chuckled and set to work.