[hider=Maes MacCannon] Name: Maes MacCannon Gender: Male Age: 24 [hider=Appearance:] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/17/ce/06/17ce06ae9858c89f9638a07947432c0a.jpg[/img] This is the last thing Maes sees in the mirror before starting his day. He stands at 6'3" with a muscular build developed through routine diet and fitness over years. Becoming very comfortable in his jumpsuit and work boots through extensive wear, he is hardly seen in anything else aside from gym clothes. Not many people look his way though, in fear of the daggers he perpetually stares. [/hider] Personality: Words commonly associated with Maes are "Temperamental" and "Scary". To others, It seems that his natural body temperature is permanently 10 degrees higher than the norm. If anyone dares to get within arms distance of him, they might come to realize he isn't a bad guy. A gentleman who knows how to have fun with any group. While he despises small talk, having a conversation with him reveals his intellect and charisma. That is, at least, until it gets heated. His assumption of superiority over others might not be far from a complex, but it's found in many people who work as hard as he does. If his record of outbursts and complications with other service members was erased, he would been seen as a high-productivity, stress-besting motivator/workaholic. Because of the latter, which shows no sign of slowing down, the former is usually shrugged off by his higher-ups. At his best, he is a gallant and capable leader that'll do whatever it takes to achieve whatever it is that needs achieving. At his worst, He is a destructive (to both himself and his environment) and chaotic insubordinate. Occupation: Primary Systems Operations and Management - "Yeah, sounds cool or whatever but I'm a glorified button pusher most of the time. Why do you think I'm in here turning knobs and reading meters instead of some second floor - dope? I make sure the systems vital to us living stay running and I go maintain them with some other handymen so they stay that way. Oxygen flow up to par? Check. Food storage temperatures within range? Check. There's a fire? Better seal the doors and remove the oxygen until its safe again. What? The lights? Listen, I don't give a radroach's rear about if you are in the dark or not. What else do you need?" Biography: Growing up was rough for Maes. He was the only child of a mother who helped raise so many other boys and girls as a school teacher for early ages. His father, whom he believes he drew his brutish side from, was one of the toughest men among the Engineering Department - until he lost in a fight with a malfunctioning piece of heavy machinery. After that, it seemed all of the attention he got was negative. He would fight kids grades higher and in numbers. Sneak around after curfew. And in one fairly memorable instance, ordered the Overseer himself to do something not-so-pleasant with his personal record. Maes made his name known for other things though. The results of his G.O.A.T. raised eyebrows as well as his ability to multitask and work efficiently without mistakes. That's how he ended up young with a supervisory position. His adult years have been filled with routine. Early mornings, early nights. Gym-work-lunch-work-sleep-repeat. Now he is looking for bigger mountains to climb. [/hider]