[b]The Laws of The World[/b] Due to the fact I don't know the story myself (Or I don't at the time of writing this) I figured it might be best to set up some basic laws. You know, so everything doesn't become complete and utter chaos. 1. There are three dimensions: The Heavens, The Earth and The Underworld. No more, no less. I don't know what's in these dimensions (except Earth) but limiting it to three to make all our lives easier. 2. All gods have 3 powers of their own plus a weapon of somekind that can be stolen and used by other Gods/Demi-Gods but not humans. 3. Gods can't be killed but being immortal and immune to death doesn't make them immune to everything- They can be hurt. People get creative! E.G. Have someone trapped inside the Earth's Core for all eternity. On the other hand, Demi-Gods can live forever but can also be killed- it's just very hard to do. Humans are well...Human. 4. The King and Queen of the Gods are The Sun and The Moon and together they have 12 children. The oldest of which are important Gods. Apart from that, the origins of the rest of the Gods and their society and all that is up to you. 5. To simplify things all Gods and Demi-Gods will be OCs. They can be based on real Gods but they can't be those actual Gods- otherwise things are going to get 10 times more confusing. 6. Gods can have up to 4 titles maximum. 7.. All rules can be broken and/or bent, however please ask permission from the GMs and Me first, much appreciated. As some rules can be permanently broken (E.G. Rules 3 and 4) and others can only be temporarily broken (Rules 1, 2, 5 and 6) [b]The Laws of The Heavens[/b] [hider][i]An extract from one of the many books of Armarion...[/i] [i] In the beginning...[/i] There were once three gods, the Goddess of Sun and the God of the Moon and a God older than the universe itself it was a floating nebula of stars and comets it was a size unimaginable to most humans and maybe even the gods, in the figure of an extremely large male human no God or Goddess (Not even I Armarion the writer of this text) knows what happened to this immense God but only our parents the Sun and the Moon might know. Alas we shall never know, but let bygones be bygones and why don't we learn a bit of history about our past. The Heavens. The Heavens are an odd and quite frankly beautiful plane of existence that we the Gods and Goddesses reside on, I even wrote this book there but alas I digress from the true topic. Us deities have certain laws amongst ourselves often broken and often abided by yet more often than not we create laws at random which is not really the way I do things for certain so I will write the laws that I have written for my brothers and sisters alike now I will write for you whoever you are. Heavens Laws Conduct yourself in the manner of your status. Although our powers are greater in heaven we shalt not use them directly against each other although tournaments are an exception. Defend Heaven from evil at all costs, it is sacred to us and is our home. Earth is no place to appear in ones true form for it would destroy a mortals mind. Brontes is never allowed to enter through the gates of Heaven unless he is no threat to our sanctuary. War is a thing that should be avoided in the Heavens although it could happen and we never know when it will. There are more laws but those are just a few laws I myself abide by but I have my own set of specific laws and rules. I know my brother Amos has a mighty bunch of laws he abides by but it is not my business to tell.[/Hider] [b]Rules of the Earth Gods (Pre-Fall):[/b] [Hider] [i]Written by Jack Frost and Zora Showers[/i] 1) Each of the Gods/Goddesses of the Seasons will represent a season as well as an emotion, like Jack with Winter and Fun. 2) They cannot be seen doing their magic by mortals. 3) When the Seasons change, the God of the season leaving and the God of the season coming formally exchange over the part of the Earth that they are in. 4) When their season is no longer available, either the God is in the Heavens or they are in a place where their season is constant, like Jack with Canada, Russia, Antarctica, Greenland and such.[/hider] [b]Laws of The Underworld [/b] [hider=The Underworld][center][i][img]http://p2.storage.canalblog.com/20/44/980729/74981369.jpg[/img] [h2][color=slateblue][i][b]The Underworld[/b][/i][/color][/h2] [center][i][color=darkmagenta]A Guide for Mortals roaming the endless lands of Father Death.[/color][/i][/center] [right][i][color=darkmagenta]By Yassamez Vo[/color][/i][/right][hr] The Underworld is the realm of the God of Death, Brontes, a deity as old as Creation who carries the sacred duty to lay life itself to rest until the end of days when he will do it for the very last time and then simply exist in the dark emptiness of a dead universe. He has absolute command over it as it is an extension of his very self, always changing and with a certain melancholy seeping out of its every pore. You, traveller, need to be aware of three rules that should always be followed if you want to have a chance, at least, to leave that place whole. [u][b]Rule #1:[/b][/u] Never, let me repeat that, NEVER trust anyone and anything there. The vast majority of the dead wishes to return to Earth and to do that they will need you to let them in, to allow them to latch onto your soul. The brighter that is the more desperate they'll become. You can only trust those who can freely speak the name of the Lord. [u][b]Rule #2:[/b][/u] Never leave the Halls if you plan on returning to Earth or Heaven one day, whole. If you do find yourself away from that place though, the first thing you should do is accept the fact that you will most likely lose a part of your soul or share it with another. Anyway, there are two things you should look out for, blood-red flowers and the Hierophant, Brontes's Priest and gatherer of the stray. Both very bad, in your case. I'll explain both of these in a later chapter. [u][b]Rule #3:[/b][/u] Never follow the voices, avoid the Blackness like the plague and always chant the name ''Brontes'' when in trouble.[hr] [center][i][color=darkmagenta][h3]A brief explanation of Rule 2[/h3][/color][/i] [img]http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/212839/tumblr_m4ro0358aW1r9u04jo1_1280.jpg[/img][/center] There are no real flowers in the Underworld. You will however see either red or blue. There is a chance to see purple flowers but that is almost an impossibility. If you see red flowers, you are in an inescapable illusion, a place which both exists and not. In that case you should immediately form a circle with those flowers and hold one over your head. DO NOT LEAVE THE CIRCLE, no matter who or what you see or feel. The moment the flowers wither and die, say a prayer to Father Death and start walking with closed eyes, no matter what you hear or feel, you know what they say about the eyes being the doors to the soul? It's true. If you come across blue flowers, simply follow them, they will take you not where you want to go but where you need to be. Once you reach the last flower, pick it, eat three of its petals and then bury it. This small ritual will earn you the favor of the spirits as it displays gratitude towards those who decided to aid you in your path. Now, in the off chance you come across a purple flower, you are probably standing in front of the greatest treasure known to mortals. That flower, also known as Mortal's Gift, will grant you audience with the God of The Dead himself who will make one wish of yours come true.[hr] [center][i][color=darkmagenta][h3]The Gate of the Dead[/h3][/color][/i] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ma86mwkUww1qzdudfo1_1280.png[/img][/center] There is no true Gate of The Dead, this construct is simply made for mortals so that they always enter the Halls and not accidentally fall into nothingness or something equally terrifying. It is never guarded, anyone can enter the Underworld, however once you step past that grand entrance, it disappears completely for you.[hr] [center][i][color=darkmagenta][h3]The Halls of Existence[/h3][/color][/i] [img]http://www.r3veblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/city_in_cave_by_snowskadi-d5jhb4e-600x779.jpg[/img][/center] The countless who have entered the Underworld and the countless yet to enter need a place to accommodate them for eternity. That is the fabled Halls of Existence, a somewhat endless city built on the side of gargantuan cliffs. Some say those cliffs touch Heaven, others that they go on forever. Each house in the Halls has a name on the door, the name of its owner who might be dead or alive, in other words, of everyone who will ever die. Inside them there is a pedestal with a single book which in its pages has the owner's life written in utmost detail, start to finish. If you're dead and you find your book, you can read it without danger, re-live your favorite moments in life as if you were there but for the living, if you manage to get hold of yours, DO NOT READ IT past the point where you read of yourself reading it. If you do, you won't stop until you reach the end and there you will die. Last but not least, there is a strange rumor in the Halls, that some houses have the names of Gods although I, who can be considered the most knowledgeable of the Mortal Dead, have never seen such a thing.[hr] [center][i][color=darkmagenta][h3]Apocrypha, the inescapable prison[/h3][/color][/i] [img]https://thfcard.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/imprisoned-eldrazi-by-kicmac.jpg[/img][/center] I have visited Apocrypha only once, escorted by Lord Brontes's First Servant himself, a rare honor for someone of my rank and status. The Prison is located in the middle of the deadly Blazelands and it keeps all worlds safe from the Old Gods and other... things I refuse to recall. The whole place is empty, no guards, no patrols, nothing. Only a certain presence you notice sometimes in the corner of your eye. A fleeting shadow just as you turn in a corner. According to the First Servant, Apocrypha is the name of the entity guarding the prison and apparently something that keeps everyone in check just by being there. When I asked the First about it, he refused to answer and instead told me to ask Father Death himself about it, if I dared. I am an explorer, not stupid. I left the prison a little more disturbed than I expected. Even now, as I write this, something moves in the corner of my eye and I feel as if my heart will stop. If it was beating in the first place, that is.[hr] [center][i][color=darkmagenta][h3]Amon Dur[/h3][/color][/i] [img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/8c2a/th/pre/f/2012/209/6/8/citadel_3_by_regnar3712-d58y3gm.jpg[/img][/center] Who am I to speak about the glory of Amon Dur, Lord Brontes's citadel and place from where he commands the whole of the Underworld. This grand construct houses Father Death's most beloved subjects and treasures, including his Infinity Key, a silver... well, key, which is said to be able to grant access to everything. From the Heavens to a man's deepest fear.[hr] [center][i][color=darkmagenta][h3]The Blazelands[/h3][/color][/i] [img]https://summermigrations.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/mg_5819.jpg[/img][/center] The vast expanse of land where no light exists except that of the endless fires which infest it, is more of a buffer zone between the rest of the Underworld and Apocrypha than a place with a purpose although many say that strange shadows these flames often cast. I for one, spend a night in the Blazelands which might have been one of the most peaceful I ever had if not for the black-eyed child who came and sat by my fire and told me how the world will end and who will be the last God standing in the coming battle.[hr] [center][i][color=darkmagenta][h3]The Underdark[/h3][/color][/i] [img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/9496/th/pre/f/2013/044/8/f/underdark_by_aeon_lux-d5usch0.jpg[/img][/center] I know next to nothing of the Underdark as I've only ever seen its gargantuan walls and the bright lights behind them. It is the greatest mystery in perhaps all of history what the God of Death hides behind those walls.[hr] [center][i][color=darkmagenta][h3]About the Author[/h3][/color][/i][/center] Dear, reader. I am one of the few who were lucky enough to come across a Mortal's Gift, gaining an audience with Lord Brontes in his grand citadel, Amon Dur. I saw him and saw not the God Of Death but a Champion of Humanity, someone who finds mortality a gift and not a curse. I wished only to exist by him, to be immortal in a way, to see and record all that happens from the moment my wish is granted till the end of Creation itself. And he granted that wish along with a position in his court as the Eye, the one to explore the whole of the Underworld, something not even he had done. I do think that he might have been lying in order to make me feel more important in my quest but he has a way with words, making each and every one he utters full of emotion. Honesty, love, respect. That is what I felt. My name is Yasammez Vo and I was one the first to ever find a Mortal's Gift. I roam the Underworld in search of its countless secrets as a way to understand its ruler. [right]May we meet in the Halls, Yasammez Daikonas Vo.[/right][/i][/center][/hider]