[hider= Takeshi Hanami] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ee/6d/bb/ee6dbb97ff08882b8ff70eb20711f04d.jpg[/img] [i]“Don't mind the Green eye, But mind me kicking your ass.”[/i] [b]The Bio sheet and stuff[/b][/center] [u][b]Personnel files.[/b][/u] [i]Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.[/i] [indent]【[U]Full Name[/U]】 [I]Takeshi R. (Ruzuzaki) Hanami[/I] 【[U]Alias[/U]】 [i]Mr. Loner, The Hidden leaf on his head[/i] 【[U]Age[/U]】 [i]20[/i] 【[U]Sex[/U]】 [i]Male[/i] 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 [i]Straight[/i] 【[U]Birthplace[/U]】 [i]Konohagakure[/i] 【[U]Bloodline[/U]】 [i]Ruzuzaki Bloodline (Stemming back from the Nero Ruzuzaki (Haruna and J8 will know about it))[/i] 【[U]Rank[/U]】 [i]Chūnin[/i][/indent] [u][b]Psych. report.[/b][/u] [i]According to mission and his teachers De-briefing, Takeshi seem to handle killing like any other ninja, though in recent mission he has been seen to be more 'Animalistic' his is captures of assassination of missing ninjas. With that being said he seem to have develop a split personality when faced with difficult situations where 'he' himself cannot do and therefore let 'his other self' come out and do the mission. This is evident has his right eye becomes fully green and a feral grin is on his face. He is perfectly normal is ally territory and doesn't display any hostile behaviour he raises concern about when he snaps during a mission and goes AWOL. His as yet to be seen, Safety measures have been taken and have been notified with other ninja of the Hidden leaf village. [/i] [indent]【[U]Personality[/U]】 [i]Takeshi doesn't show his feelings that often. Most people know him as a quiet, hard worker. According to sources around the village, only a few people have ever heard him talk. He is naturally caring and often worries about the well-being of his teammates, especially for those around him that know him. Somehow, despite the fact that he is mostly mute, most people understand what he is thinking and can even hold a conversation with him, especially his parents, who seems to understand Takeshi perfectly. Takeshi has a tendency to seduce himself around large crowds, therefore it spends most of his time in quiet areas or at his apartment. His aura become more potent when he becomes bored or nothing interests him. With that being said He is not without his own little quirks for example: Happy= A small smile will appear Annoyed= Covers his head with his hoodie and grunt occasionally Lying= his eyes tend to dark towards the sky. Flustered= Stumbles on his word frequently Angry/Pissed= His green eye flashes dangerously Though he is a 'lone wolf' he is willing to team up with others.[/i] 【[U]History[/U]】 [i]T.B.A[/i] 【[U]The Ruzuzaki[/U]】 [i]tba [/i] [b]Nero Ruzuzaki Status: Unknown Age: Unknown (Last recorded: 14) Rank: Unknown (Last recorded: Tokubetsu Jōnin) Family: Ruzuzaki and Hanami [/b] 【[U]Dreams and fears[/U]】 [i]This main goal is to Show that "Hard work and Busting your ass can achieve great results" as a Memoir of Might guy and Rock Lee. This dream is to Join the Anbu Root and truly work from the shadows. His main fear....is Cats, Eggplants and.....Small figured girls. Yeah........[/i][/indent] [u][b]Combat reports.[/b][/u] [i]Takeshi is a strong individual, having been trained in combat time and time again with no one to help him, just getting up and trying again and developing new ways of fighting. Wielding his Balisong Knives, he is able to easily take down entire squads of foot Ninjas by himself. Being the wielder of an Fire nature, Takeshi is able to manipulate fire in the form of the various blade forms from his Knives, Black Steel, which also can absorbs the opponent's Chakra to replenish his own. By utilizing an ability called "Drain", He is able to use this abilty to greatly enhance his physical abilities and strengthens his fighting style, although it wears down him down greatly during its duration. [/i] [indent]【[U]Fighting style[/U]】 [i]In short he is a Close to Mid range fighter. Takeshi's fighting style revolves around inflicting as much pain on his enemy as possible before finally killing them. His style is far more barbaric and cruel, relying more on his (Ninja wire connected) butterfly knives, and knives within the heels of his boots. He is also adept in the use of his Hand and Knives for more direct attacks. [/i] 【[U]Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit[/U]】 [img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-Y0SYdPDt4rI/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAHg/PWVl_w2Gz-E/photo.jpg[/img] [b][u]Bloodline limit name: Green Light zone (To be activated later on in the story)[/u][/b] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]Zone is a term referring to a Ninja's state when they reach their maximum potential. It is a superlative of regular concentration and focus. The conditions to enter this state vary from each person: For Takeshi: iT the feeling of losing and being backed into a Corner. However: It is rare that he enters this state of mind, because he is not aware of it...'his other self is'.[/i] [b][u]Strengths:[/u][/b] [i]In this state, 'Takeshi' has improved in: Speed and Agility Reflexes and Jumping power is Greatly increased Reaction time is Increased. His Charka becomes more Potent as well. [/i] [b][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/b] [i]Despite his once coming out of G.L.Z, Takeshi is greatly weakened to the point where he cannot move his body, his mind goes under mental shock as his trying to process what happened leaving him vulnerable for long periods of time. Another way of beating him is to Match him and eventually overcome his zone, forcing him out and draining him of all strength.[/i] 【[U]Ninja techniques[/U]】 [u]A rank techniques:Katon: Gouka Hataka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Hellfire Clap) [/u] [i]A jutsu of catastrophic might, it draws upon the unwieldiness that is flame. Calling forth chakra from their deepest reserves, the user will perform the trademark techniques that signal the beginning of a Katon. Yet rather than ending in the Tora seal, as most would, it instead ends in the Ram seal as the user’s hands clap together loudly. At that moment a wave of destructive fire flies forth around the user, engulfing all around them. Spread about in a circle, this technique also has the nasty side-effect of searing through anything it comes into contact with. If in its path lay a boulder it would be hewn in two, for example. Defensive jutsu are defeated by this technique as well, for its intensity is beyond measure. Note: The diameter of this wave is 15 meters. Defensive jutsu of this stage or any below are instantly nullified by this technique, though the attack itself does not carry through the defense and to the opponent. It only serves to break it in this case, and no more [/i] [u]B rank techniques: Katon Hidora no Jutsu (Fire Release: Hydra Technique) [/u] [i] A variant of the Katon Ryuuka no jutsu, this one has the same function, only tripled. Instead of one stream of fire that advances towards the opponent, the user is capable of exhaling three at the same time, although all still vary from each other at only a slight degree (meaning that they can only be used against enemies that stand close to each other and not at different directions). The 3 streams look like 3 snakes, and that's where the jutsu got its name [/i] [u]C rank techniques:Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique)[/u] [i] A jutsu that sends a stream of fire towards the opponent, originating from the users mouth. In some cases it has been seen to take on the form of a dragon. Capable of being used like a flamethrower, prolonged exposure has been known to transform boulders and cliff side’s into molten piles of magma. Note: Chuunin for three post's, and Jounin for five. As mentioned before, strength of the flame and prolonged exposure can prove devastating. [/i] [u]D-E rank techniques: Katon: Hi Shinten no Jutsu (Fire Release: Flame Spread Technique)[/u] [i]This jutsu allows the user to extend the flame from their hand to any weapon or item they may be holding. This creates a surrounding layer of flame around the object, but the object is unharmed. This can only extend to a length of 3 feet maximum, or the length of a medium sized sword. [/i] 【[U]Weaponry, tools and objects.[/U]】 [b][u]Weapon, tool or object name: Balisongs Knives[/u][/b] [i]Black Steel[/i] [b][u]Weapon, tool or object type: Close combat to Mid range combat weapon[/u][/b] [i]knife[/i] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]This is the acclaimed weapon that Nero Ruzuzaki wield before is it marked with a strange marking and it look like it about to break any second, despite this it is still sturdy and (Dare i say) Unbreakable. it is able to channel chakara and it attached to a Long ninja wire so it is able to retract back to it's owner. Being Flexible, it is able to hide it;s blade between the handles. Rumour are that When Takeshi enters the zone, the blade glows green.....[/i][/indent] (Will update when it is necessary.) [/hider] Detailed new Character approaches! [hider=Momoi (Hiromoto) Yasei] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GdNKNGw.png[/img][/center] [center][color=#76819D][u][b][h1]The Gypsy[/h1][/b][/u][/color][/center] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/DyAdNJV.jpg[/img] [i]“Gypsy ‘motherfucking’ Danger, at your service![/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WC3QtQ3SumM]Momoi's theme: Paralyzed[/url] [b]Character appearance description here[/b][/center] [hr] [u][b]Personnel files.[/b][/u] [i]Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.[/i] 【[U]Full Name[/U]】 [I]Momoi (Hiromoto) Yasei[/I] 【[U]Alias[/U]】 [i]Gypsy Danger, Onee-sama, Alcohol Queen. Queen of Arcades[/i] 【[U]Age[/U]】 [i]17[/i] 【[U]Sex[/U]】 [i]female[/i] 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 [i]Bi-sexual[/i] 【[U]Birthplace[/U]】 [i] Yugakure (Parents born and raised), Konohagakure (Birthplace).[/i] 【[U]Bloodline[/U]】 [i]none[/i] 【[U]Rank[/U]】 [i]Chūnin[/i] [hr] [u][b]Psych. report.[/b][/u] [i]Medical secrecy applies.[/i] 【[U]Personality[/U]】 [i]She is the spitting personality of the 5th hokage, Tsunade Senju, but when she says spitting image: she means the alcoholic, gambling side of Tsunade. Momoi also has some similar to that of Tsunade's traits that can be described as, "vulgar". She doesn't seem to mind farting, scratching her butt, burping, and telling dirty jokes in public. Outside of these habits, she is quite composed and serious, She has also an eccentric viewpoint on life, especially on religion, thinking that Christianity is a "rebellious" religion and etc. However when it comes to food, Momoi completely turns into a monster, her eyes glow and she falls into a simplistic manner of speech. She tend to net anyone who is younger than here and calling them ‘her cute little brother/sister' and forces them to call her “Onee-sama” by any means necessary [/i] 【[U]History[/U]】 [i]Momoi doesn’t have complicated history, she was born and raised in the village in the hidden leaves. Loved by her family and friends. She decided to start on her shinobi career. Legend goes that she was to be the next Itachi Uchiha judging by her marks and combat prowess, but that was all turned to dust when the teachers caught her drinking whisky in the girls bathroom during her last year of academy, how she got the drinks? That was kept under wraps, the reputation of the hidden leaf would be at stake if information got out. But still she passed. And slowly but surely rose to the ranks of Chūnin due to her extensive knowledge of Taijutsu and her trademarked ‘Tits-of-steel’ Jutsus, though she still has trouble performing it. Momoi has not failed a mission since she joined the ranks. Her Dream is still a mystery to her. She is undecided on what she wants to do after retirement, though it is a long way before she retires.[/i] She currently lives in the CBD area of the hidden Leaf, a present from her parents before they moved back to Yugakure. A large apartment. Though she is constantly on mission that we hardly has time to relax in her own room. 【[U]Dreams and fears[/U]】 [i]Her dream is to surpass every Clan with their own special KG, and to prove that her own made Raienton is the best out there. Her fears: Old people Shrivelled up things. Paper work Tofu Killer hangovers [url=http://i58.tinypic.com/vopnq1.jpg]That Chick that is actually a Dude[/url] Her likes: Booze Food Bass playing Zoning out on her headphones Embarrassing the fuck out of others.[/i] [hr] [u][b]Combat reports.[/b][/u] [i]Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.[/i] 【[U]Fighting style[/U]】 [i] Despite her powerful Jutsus, most of Momoi's attacks involve her own physical strength. She is strong enough to defeat others with her strength, she only has higher than anyone else in Purgatory Battalion. This physical power is combined with her unique fighting style, which focuses on follow-ups, agility, and brutality. Momoi is so vicious that she aims many of her strikes at an enemy's face or neck. Momoi focuses on rushing at an enemy at close range and then thrashing them to submission. Yet despite her fast strikes, Momoi's running speed isn't as superhuman, but she is damn well fast.[/i] [U] bloodline limit[/U]】 [b][u]Bloodline limit name: Steel Release[/u][/b] Description:[i]The Steel Release (鋼遁 Kōton) is an Advanced Chakra Natures that involves bending the users chakra into a physical shape around their body to enhance their own characteristics. [/i] 【[U]Ninja techniques[/U]】 [color=00a651][u]A rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Great_Fire_Destruction] Katon: Gōka Messhitsu [/url][/i][/color] [color=00a651][u]B rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Great_Dragon_Fire_Technique] Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu [/url][/i][/color] [color=00a651][u]C rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Phoenix_Sage_Fire_Technique] Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu [/url][/i][/color] [u]D-E rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Running_Fire]Katon: Hibashiri[/url][/i] 【[U]Ninja techniques: Earth Release[/U]】 [u]B rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Earth_and_Stone_Dragon]Doton: Dosekiryū[/url][/i] [color=00a651][u]C rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Subterranean_Voyage]Doton: Dochū Senkō[/url][/i][/color] [u]D-E rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Double_Suicide_Decapitation_Technique]Doton: Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu[/url][/i] 【[U]Ninja techniques: Steel Release[/U]】 [color=00a651][u]A rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Steel_Release:_Impervious_Armour] Steel Release: Impervious Armour[/url][/i][/color] 【[U]Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit[/U]】 Bloodline limit name: Steel Release Steel Release The Steel Release (鋼遁 Kōton) is an Advanced Chakra Natures that involves bending the users chakra into a physical shape around their body to enhance their own characteristics. There is also another form of Steel Release which Momoi uses, where when using the Steel Release: Molecular Recomposition technique, she can manipulate pre-existing metal with iron as one of the components and use the metal in a variety of ways. Momoi studied at the of 10 on the concept on how to use Steel Release, since (To her knowledge) It was a very underused KT. She was able to use a small portion of it abilities when she was 13 and when she became 17: She became well known for it and Gain the name (More like named herself) ‘Tits-of-steel’, despite not having large enough breast. The most common form of the Steel Release was the ability to coat one's self in a somewhat malleable shell of metal that could be applied as an almost impenetrable armour or forged into weapons for various kinds of purposes. While being a impressive Defence, it is without say that Steel release is about to provide a wide range of offensive capabilities when in combat. For Momoi Yasei: she is able to melt Pre-existing Metal and change it to any shape via melting to a point where it become liquid. This is called Steel Release: Molecular Recomposition, Using this method, Momoi can increase the size of their weapons with increasing their mass, creating heavy objects with miniscule size, or even making metals liquid or even gas without temperature changing. The user can also draw in metallic objects from a distance. In General, Momoi Steel release is able to: 1. Increase or Generate steel. 2. Shape, compress, liquefy and/or otherwise manipulate all steel via contact. 3. Efficacy Manipulation including speed, density, hardness and/or sharpness. 4. Polish steel. 5. Repair steel objects. 6. Ferro kinetic constructs using steel: walls and armour. 7. Metal Attacks using steel. 8. Metal Detection steel only. 9. Move/lift steel at nearly any speed whether in/on surface, air or water. 10. Matter Surfing by riding steel object (This one is a Stretch) However with Perks and benefits, also comes with the Weaknesses. 1. Limited to manipulating only from already existing sources, she can create steel on herself. 2. Distance and the amount of matter depends of the strength and skill of Momoi strength and stamina. 3. Iron is affected by everything that normal steel would be. (Although Momoi is perfectly able to use their power to return the metal in its original shape and/or controlling it even under these forces) (But she will be able to do that after the second timeskip) 4. Melt under extreme heat (Fire Release or Lava Release). 5. Turn brittle and shatter under extreme cold via Ice Release. 6. Can be rusted by Water Release. 7. Extremely vulnerable to Lightning Release. However Momoi is able to sponge a bit of Electric, but not all of it. 【Custom made techniques】 Jutsu name: Steel Release: Molecular Recomposition Rank: C Range: All-purpose Description: After forming the needed hand signs, Momoi can manipulate various metallic molecules in a metallic substance or structure in order to change its shape, mass, or density by channelling chakra into the molecules. This Jutsu is the Parental Jutsu for one stated below. Jutsu name: Steel Release: Iron Fist Technique Rank: B Range: Close Combat Description: After forming the needed hand signals, the user can draw in iron from any source and have it wrap around the user's arm or leg to create a metallic glove. This glove is nearly weightless due to the chakra within the metal. The fist can increase the damage from blows many times and it is a useful defense when dealing with bladed weapons. Its only apparent weakness is that Fire Release techniques heat up the metal and can burn the user's extremity. Jutsu name: Steel Release: Rising Wall Barrier Rank: B Range: Close Combat Description: After forming the needed hand signals, the user forms a wall of metal in front of them and makes it erupt from the ground in the form of a large wall. Though the metal is mostly iron, chakra can be added to it to increase its strength and durability. The height and thickness of the metal wall depends on the user's chakra level. It can also liquidize and trap and opponent's striking limb. Jutsu name: Steel Release: Cage Technique Rank: C Range: Close Combat to Mid Combat Description: After forming the needed hand signals, the user creates an iron cage around an opponent. It uses the user's chakra to channel strength into it. The chakra fed into the structure of the cage slowly repairs any damage dealt to it, but it also causes significant drain on the user. Depending on the level of the user and the direction of the chakra flow, the cage can be broken out of with a powerful-enough strike towards a weak point. 【[U]Weaponry, tools and objects.[/U]】 She carries the standard weapons a Shinobi uses and a Medical kit.[/hider] [hider= Takeshi Hanami Post-timeskip] [center][img]http://img10.deviantart.net/1269/i/2014/221/5/9/dark_susano_o_by_enmismanima-d7uh5gw.png[/img] [i]“The Ruzuzaki aren't meant to be provoked, you'll do well to remember that,”[/i] [b]The Bio sheet and stuff[/b][/center] [u][b]Personnel files.[/b][/u] [i]Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.[/i] 【[U]Full Name[/U]】 [I]Takeshi R. (Ruzuzaki) Hanami[/I] 【[U]Alias[/U]】 [i]Basilisk[/i] 【[U]Age[/U]】 [i]20 Pre-time skip 35 End of Role play[/i] 【[U]Sex[/U]】 [i]Male[/i] 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 [i]Straight[/i] 【[U]Birthplace[/U]】 [i]Konohagakure[/i] 【[U]Bloodline[/U]】 [i]Ruzuzaki Bloodline[/i] 【[U]Rank[/U]】 [i]Chūnin Retired Ninja or Missing Nin[/i] [u][b]Psych. report.[/b][/u] [i]After Leaving the Hidden Leaf, Takeshi headed to the Crimson State Island per his friend's Request, Yang Xiao Long. Spending more than 15 years on the island. Takeshi broke himself mentally in order to rebuild himself once more. He is now a more calm Collective person. Speaking more formally and even more polite to other, he is not afraid to speak his mind or step in when things get heated. During mission or hunting trip Takeshi has displayed more than one way to take on an opponent: whether it be burte force of a more tactically. During the 15 years he has learned to control his emotions and even his split personality disorder. In the past he was all about killing, he is more merciful to those who deserve his mercy. He kills on slight beside that. Takeshi as gone under intense Mental training, as well as other rigorous training. [/i] [indent]【[U]Personality[/U]】 [i]Takeshi Ruzuzaki is a very serious individual who is usually extremely focused on the task at hand and rarely shows any emotion beyond stoicism. His attitude can come off to others as prideful, stubborn, and even arrogant, occasionally getting him into issues with his comrades when he refuses to cooperate with them and tries to handle things on his own. His solitary goal is to eradicate those who attempt to create chaos wherever it hides and rarely compromises, warning his target to not take his mercy lightly when he spares them. Takeshi had once completely lost his temper when One of the student on the Island Mocked him and his friend in the village in front of him, so to say they they are 'whores of the world'. Having already witnessed his rage, the other avoid making fun of the hidden leaf. While Takeshi is generally cold toward others, he does have respect for The various clans in the hidden leaf, as well for Yang, Tsukiko, Momoi and surprisingly Yamato, although the young master behavior does frustrates him with his 'in your face' attitude, he is willing to tolerate him to some extent not unlike that of Sentou, mainly he still values their bitter Rivalry. He also show respect towards his previous Hokages as a fellow leaders of village.[/i] 【[U]History[/U]】 [i]His family history is quite the weird one. Despite being Ruzuzaki: a Small clan that toiled in the darkness to protect the light from evil. His Father was a member of the Religious Cult known as the Jashin, Takeashi as a young age has joined unwillingly but eventually gave in and became a full fledged member of the cult. Being a the youngest of 2, Takeshi was a happy child like any other child would be in his youth. He was robbed of that pure innocent as he witnessed the murder of betrayer of the clan, scarring him mentally. Being Scared he obeyed the leader and did what we was told, if he didn't his family would pay the price. Something Takeshi held dear to his heart. This continued until he was at the age of 11, even he wanted to start his shinobi career, finding the courage he went and asked his father if he could leave the cult to become a ninja. Apparently that was the wrong choice of word. Not only did his dad abuse him, word caught wind and flew to the cult. The higher up order his dad to kill his flesh his blood. The day he was confronted by his dad with a Kunai was the day he lose any respect and love for him. He was able to Incapacitate him and land him hospital, your failing the cult placed a curse on his dad and 1 week later, he died. It was all downhill from there. His mother blamed him for the lose of her beloved and left him and his sister. His dear sister that he loved left him in the forest to die, he made it back home and found that his sister stuff was gone, leaving him all alone. His personality had changed and became a loner that he was was all until the day he got stabbed in the heart.[/i] 【[U]The Ruzuzaki[/U]】 [i]tba [/i] [b]Kuruko Ruzuzaki Father: Deceased Mari Ruzuzaki Mother: Alive Miki Ruzuzaki Older sister: Alive [/b] 【[U]Dreams and fears[/U]】 [i]This main goal is to Show that "Hard work and Busting your ass can achieve great results" as a Memoir of Might guy and Rock Lee. This dream is to become Hokage, if that fails, then to carry on the Ruzuzaki tradition and fend of the darkness that attacks the light.[/i][/indent] [u][b]Combat reports.[/b][/u] [i]Takeshi is an extremely powerful individual with a myriad of significant abilities. Having apparently mastered the Power of the Ruzuzaki during his 15 year training, utilizing his Yang release: Susano'o which grants him Destructive fighting capabilities and stamina, and willpower so strong that he was able to resist the might of the Mangekyo Sharingan, Takeshi could very well be one of the most formidable Ninjas. By utilizing an ability called "Drain", He is able to use this ability to greatly enhance his physical abilities and strengthens his fighting style, although it wears down him down greatly during its duration. [/i] [indent]【[U]Fighting style[/U]】 [i]In short he is a Close to Mid range fighter. Takeshi's fighting style revolves Attack second and memorizing his opponent's foot movements and patterns, Mostly is on defensive until he finds find a perfect opening, delivered brutal strikes and strikes with his Hand, feet and Sword.[/i] 【[U]Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit[/U]】 [b][u]Bloodline limit name: Senrigan (clairvoyance)[/u][/b] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]Although is it a Dojutsu: his eye can be learned by Anyone who has trained on the Island, unlike Sharingan or the Byakugan, The eye doesn't change at all. the only thing that changes in the color in your eye, it become more brighter than before. The Seringan has the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses. These Ability includes: Extrasensory Perception, Psychometry, Remote Viewing, Claircognizance, Clairaudience, and Clairsentience[/i] [b][u]Strengths:[/u][/b] [i][list] [*] Extrasensory Perception [*] Psychometry [*] Remote Viewing [*] Claircognizance [*] Clairaudience [*] Clairsentience [/list][/i] [b][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/b] [i]Just like the other Ocular power, he can drain the user greatly.[/i] [b][u]Bloodline limit name: Boil Release (沸遁, Futton)[/u][/b] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]Boil Release is a combined nature transformation kekkei genkai made up of techniques that mix fire and water-based chakra to create gaseous materials in different properties and usages. Takeshi uses boil Release by increasing the temperature of chakra to the "boiling point" (沸点, futten). In this version, steam is released, and can be either used as a form of propulsion, increasing the power and speed of a taijutsu technique, or can be spread instantly from their body to burn or melt their surroundings due its high temperature.[/i] 【[U]Ninja techniques: Fire release[/U]】 [color=00a651][u]B rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Great_Fire_Annihilation] Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku [/url][/i][/color] [color=00a651][u]C rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Dragon_Fire_Technique] Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu [/url][/i][/color] [u]D-E rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Dragon_Flame_Release_Song_Technique] Katon: Ryūen Hōka no Jutsu [/url][/i] 【[U]Ninja techniques: Water Release[/U]】 [u]B rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Water_Fang_Bullet] Suiton: Suigadan [/url][/i] [color=00a651][u]C rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Wild_Water_Wave] Suiton: Mizurappa [/url][/i][/color] [u]D-E rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Hiding_in_Mist_Technique] Kirigakure no Jutsu [/url][/i] 【[U]Ninja techniques: Boil Release[/U]】 [color=00a651][u]A rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Boil_Release%3A_Unrivalled_Strength] Futton: Kairiki Musō [/url][/i][/color] 【Custom made techniques】 Jutsu name: Yang Release: Susano'o Rank: S-rank Range: All-purpose Description: After forming the needed hand signs, Takeshi’s Chakra turns black and started covering him in pure Chakra, just like Naruto and Toneri’s Chakra mode, Takeshi Susano’o Chakra mode is similar to that. Susano'o grants him Destructive fighting capabilities and stamina, and willpower so strong that he was able to resist the might of the Mangekyo Sharingan. Once it has bee release, Takeshi is greatly drained, but is still able to fight. 【[U]Weaponry, tools and objects.[/U]】 [b][u]Weapon, tool or object name: Balisongs Sword[/u][/b] [i]Black Steel[/i] [b][u]Weapon, tool or object type: Close combat to Mid range combat weapon[/u][/b] [i]Broadsword[/i] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]A Sword Covered in green and Black shadows, the same metal used in the knives is melt and created into the blade while the hilt is composed of other materials. It is chakra friendly and is incredibly dangerous to those around it.[/i][/indent] (Will update when it is necessary.) [/hider] [hr] NPC just to be sure [hider][hider][img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/15/155646/2377745-mitsuru_p4_arena.jpg[/img][/hider] 【Full Name】 Miki R. Hanami 【Alias】 The Sister that is never home, 'Her', Miss Mysterious, T.S.T.N.S (The sister Takeshi never sees) 【Age】 29 【Role】 Takeshi older sister that has been traveling the world, she is a normal person who did not want to become a Ninja. 【Personality】 She is a kind person. While a calm person, she is more in tune with her emotions, becoming emotional fast and being a very expressive person in general. a very intelligent, observant person like Takeshi. Also hinted that she has crush on her younger brother but she doesn't appears it on other hand he just sees her as his older sister and sometimes asks her for advice While somewhat confrontational and harsh, she is actually a very sweet person who looks out for others, especially those she cares for and is extremely helpful and selfless. She is also very responsible, not liking it when others slack off and scolding those who she feels need to get their act together. 【Techniques and Tools】 Nothing. 【Others】 The older sister of Takeshi, he left the hidden leaf to go explore the world. Leaving her younger brother to grow up and become a Chunin.[/hider] [hider][hider][img]http://img11.deviantart.net/f8ec/i/2014/072/8/d/yang_xiao_long_by_ultimatemaverickx-d7a09dz.png[/img][/hider] 【Full Name】 Yang Xiao Long 【Alias】 Ms. Baroness, Goldilocks, 'Your worst nightmare' 【Age】 20 【Role】 She is Takeshi's Ruzuzaki Master in Taijutsu, and a resident in his apartment after selling her to live in his. She plays the 'it's time to adapt and grow' role for Takeshi 【Personality】 A total tomboy that had mood swings that happen on a daily basis, she prefers to do fun thing and gets bored quickly. She tend to take care of others that she's close to and always seems to have a ulterior motive to her actions- every single time. When it comes to fighting she can become cocky thanks to a extensive experience in hand to hand combat, anything else she become totally clueless. But thanks to her taijutus: she is the 1st Baroness of the famous Purgatory Battalion. Being the 'weakest' out of the four that lie ahead of her. 【Techniques and Tools】 Gauntlets. 【Others】 She seem to have known Takeshi Hanami when they were young, but something had happened to cause her to leave for some time before return back to the hidden leaf, seeing his new attitude, she decided to go with her own 'unique' greeting.: Living in her 'pupil' apartment, to which he doesn't know yet.[/hider]