3......2.....1..... [hr][h3][u][color=Chocolate][center][b]Welcome, Flan[/b][/center][/color][/u][/h3] [hr] Spawning inside the Black City Sanctuary, Flan could hear the slaughter going on throughout the city, though one noise in particular catching her attention. It was not only close, but also sounded like a weapon she never heard before. Leaving the building, she jumped her way on top of it to get a better view only to find the Black King in the distance killing off random outlaws. [color=Chocolate][i]Oh, so she can fight. Well, I should waste this fine opportunity~ Not everyday you can enjoy a dinner and a show.[/i][/color] reaching into her inventory, she pulled out several profiteroles and began popping one into her mouth every so often. Taking a quick look around, she also saw one of the blonde duo, from the last time she logged in, hightailing the king. Although favor could probably be earned, any chance to see a good fight with the King was a good one. She just hoped that he hasn't joined the Ebony Strykers as well.