The little dog yipped and approached the woman, accepting the head rub. It wiggled as it was rubbed, licking the hand in thanks. Then it suddenly stopped, looking toward the door, sniffing at the air. The nose twitched this way and that, until it seemed to recognize the scent, and began excitedly yipping and yelping out. The hairs on Lyle's neck stood up, and he knew that the wolves were coming. He saw the girls enter Gunther's house with his peripherals, likely to investigate the sound of the tapping. But when he heard the yipping from inside, it all made sense now. If he weren't in such a dangerous predicament, he'd be cursing Gunther's name through every hell known and unknown. When the yipping increased in frequency, he knew what was coming next. His stance shifted low and he silently stepped back toward Gunther's house, to have a wall at his back. Agonizing, silent moments passed. Then two massive wolves parted the fog, each standing as tall as a pony. They were cautious in their steps watching, calculating. The female growled out lightly, causing the pup to respond in fervor. His parents had arrived. Lyle looked in their eyes, knowing that if he didn't use the utmost caution, he, and the girl, would be dead. Any true hunter knew that dire wolves such as these were far more intelligent than they seemed. He couldn't speak wolf, but he dropped his stance into a nonthreatening pose, without loosening the grip on his weapon, or bottle. He shrugged toward the door, hoping to indicate the pup was in there. If he stepped away, or even toward, the door, he knew the wolves would spring to attack. In a low growl, he managed to let loose a phrase to the woman, [color=ed1c24][b][b]"You need to free that pup. Now. Or we both die."[/b][/b][/color] The sweat on his brow was pouring now, knowing the next several moments were the most crucial. He really hoped that girlie pulled through, he still had half a bottle to finish.