She smiled happily back at the pup as it accepted her head rub. The way the pup stopped interacting with her was quite abrupt. She toward the door from which she came, the pup seemed to very excited about what was outside it. She could only guess what it was. After a brief moment of listening to the pup yap loudly, she saw Lyle step through the door of the house with careful steps. She had a better idea of what was going on, now that she saw his expression. The words he spoke and the tone that came with it, sparked some panic into her mind. She hadn't been in a life or death situation before, so it was quite overwhelming for her. She quickly looked at the chains, hoping to find some sort of keyhole in the shackles, maybe something to help her break the chains. As luck would have it, there was a keyhole in each of the shackle clamps, but unfortunately she didn't know where the key was. Hopefully the owner of the house had left it somewhere. She got up, hastily looking around the room for the key. She rummaged through drawers, cupboards, boxes, closets. She couldn't find it anywhere. This caused her to panic even more. In the back of her mind, she knew that she hadn't looked carefully enough, but the stress had already settled in her mind. She stopped for a moment before taking in some deep breaths to calm herself down, which worked to an extent. She decided to try look around for the key again, only to trip on a floorboard that slightly out of place, slightly... Elevated? Curiosity had sparked. She carefully lifted the loose floorboard. Under it lay a small wooden box, which she immediately assumed would have the key in it. She quickly grabbed it, opening it hastily. What luck. A key was inside it. She immediately jammed the key into the shackles before twisting it, her mind still in a bit of a frenzy. [i]Click.[/i] The shackle fell off with a satisfying [i]thump[/i] on the wooden planks. This made her calm down significantly as she unlocked the rest of the clamps.