"Alright sir," Audrey said as Dr. Fukui came out of his office, noting his apparent annoyance. She had a feeling that the others had left their communicators off on purpose to avoid him. She followed into Fukui's office into the elevator. Soon they were at the training area, in a room with big glass windows looking into the training rooms. Through it Audrey saw all of the others working with weapons and armor, including a young girl. [i]What is a little kid doing here?[/i], she thought, tuning out Fukui's muttered complaints at Garsin. Audrey jumped at the sudden alarms and angry red lights. She quickly glanced over at Fukui, having no idea what was going on or what the sirens meant. It was clearly nothing good. [i]Another attack?[/i] "Uh, yes sir," she said in reply to Fukui, though he had already turned back to the others. A feeling of dread rose in her stomach at actually having to go out and encounter one of these creatures. After he spoke she followed him back to the lab, trying to keep up. Back at the lab she took the earpiece and device. "Okay," she replied, quickly memorizing what she was supposed to do, still unsure of this. From what she heard, the monsters were destructive enough to completely destroy buildings. What if one of them got hurt? And if it came down to it, would she be able to fight to protect herself or anyone else? She shook her head and tried to push the thought out of her mind. Audrey quickly left the lab and ran towards the deployment area, hands shaking.