[quote=@NarcissisticPotato] Got it! Right, so I have came up with the powers but now I'm stuck on which character to apply them to and because I'm probably one of the most indecisive people in the world, I'll let you guys chip in! Yay! ^.^ Anyways, the basic premise of the powers is that when my character kisses someone, they temporarily replicate their powers and gain a basic understanding of how to use then. Note that the powers they steal are never as powerful as the original (about 25-50%) and they can only hold one power at a time. I was also thinking about adding in a passive which makes them look a lot more desirable but that's still in the works/seeking GM approval. Anyways, for the female I had planned, I was going to make a bit of a bitchy character. Vain, self-loving and general a shitty kind of person. She takes what she wants including other's powers whether they're up for it or not. The guy I had planned was a bit more... Nice? Yeah, he was going to be a complete Narcissist (surprisingly my first Narcissistic character) who would be a hopeless romantic and attempt to steal the heart of [i]whoever[/i] he meets. Conversations would revolve around him complimenting people and/or reading stupid love poetry to them. Also enjoys long walks on the beach and declaring his love for everyone to the dawn and the sunset. Don't make me choose! >o< [/quote] Personally, I don't have any problems with the powers. And...well, we don't need another Lukas xP