[center][color=fff200][b]EMPIRE OF FUSAN[/b][/color] [img]http://flag-designer.appspot.com/gwtflags/SvgFileService?d=0&c1=5&c2=2&c3=6&o=0&c4=2&s=1&c5=1[/img][/center] [u][b]Government and Economy[/b][/u] [b]Type of Government:[/b] Single Party State. Military Dictatorship. [b]Head(s) of Government:[/b] Prime Minister Sato Sawajiro (Age 51) [b]Economy:[/b] Largely agricultural and horticultural economy due to lack of industry. 65% of Gross Domestic Product in 1904 was generated by fish and grain exports to other nations. Caste system within the societal construct has created an immense surplus of easy, cheap labor. [u][b]History, Demographics and Culture[/b][/u] [b]Primary Species[/b]: Human. [b]Population[/b]: 104,000,000 (1905 census) [b]Culture[/b]: The Fusanese have, for generations, been a forced caste system. There are three castes: The House of the Fish, the House of the Shark and the House of the Squid. The Fish, the endless masses, are a 95% majority. They are the workers and peasants, toiling away under the Sawajiro Party. The House of the Shark are the former warrior clans turned military officers. They command great respect in political circles since the the Sawajiro Party took power in the [b]1898 Coup[/b]. The House of the Squid are the artisans and craftsmen, multi-talented, they are the inventors, writers, and creative think tanks. Before the coup the House of the Squid numbered over 5,000,000, but now number less than 1,000,000. [u][b]Religious and other Beliefs[/b][/u]: State Sponsored Secularism. Possession of religious artifacts, or active worship of religion is a crime punishable by state execution. [b]History[/b]: [b]1898[/b]: The Sawajiro Party, led by Sato Sawajiro of the Empire's Army, leads a bloodless coup to remove Emperor Sotomi from the throne. Although deposed, the Emperor is a cherished political figure in Fusan. [b]1899[/b]: The Dreadnought [i]Kato[/i] is launched, at 26,000 tonnes she is the largest ship of the Imperial Fusanese Navy. She is considered the pride of the IFN. [b]1901[/b]: The [b]Imperial Fusanese Army[/b] begins it's outer conquest of the mostly uninhabited Colonial Islands, expanding it's territorial holdings by 4% and establishing minor naval and observation bases on those islands. This expansion would last until 1905. [b]1905[/b]: Submarine pens on the island of [i]Hotu[/i] are finished, giving Fusan extended range for it's submarine fleet. [b]1910[/b]: Fusan signs a [b]Mutual Defense Pact[/b] with the Socialist Republic of Polisiria, stating that they will defend one another if attacked. This pact will expire in 1915. [u][b]Geography, Agriculture and Industry[/b][/u] [b]Territory[/b]: SEE MAP. [b]Climate[/b]: The Primary Islands are mostly grassland, with a few rocky crags along the northeastern approach. The further Colonial Islands, recently colonized and inhabited are similarly grassland, with untamed vegetation turning into thick and wanton jungle. [b]Cities, bases, etc[/b]: -- [b]Sato City[/b]: The capital, renamed after the Sawajiro Party under Sato Sawajiro took party in a bloodless military capital. It is home to over 21,000,000 people. -- [b]Kinshin Military Base[/b]: A military garrison located on Mako Island north of Fusan. It is home to the 1st Battle Fleet as well as the 7th Expeditionary Army that makes up 90,000 men. -- [b]Makitoko[/b]: A city of some great culture and renown. Home to 12,000,000. It is the largest, landlocked city of Fusan. -- [b]Suto[/b]: The greatest pity in the Southeast Archipelago, with a huge military harbor to accompany it. Home to over 9,000,000. [b]Agriculture[/b]: Agricultural exports make up an immense amount of Fusan's yearly GDP. Years of trading between the [b]People's Republic of Polirisia[/b] and the [b]Sandolonian People's Republic[/b] in exchange for materiel goods and machine parts has further incited growth in Fusanese farming. [u][b]Military[/b][/u] [b]Military[/b]: The [b]Imperial Fusanese Army[/b] ([i]IFA[/i]) is the first and last line of defense for the Primary Islands of the Empire. As a heavily fascist nation with a required three year draft, the IFA handles over 1.2 million men at various levels of mobilization. The Imperial Fusanese Headquarters utilizes mass wave attacks, and thus prefers quantity to quality. [center][img]https://historyofjapan.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/imperial_troops_embarking_at_yokohama_to_fight_the_satsuma_rebellion_in_1877.jpg[/img] [i]Drawing of the[/i] Imperial Fusanese Army in 1905.[/center] Alternatively, the [b]Imperial Fusanese Navy[/b] ([i]IFN[/i]) rules the waves around the Fusanese Primary Islands. The [i]IFN[/i] currently numbers the following: [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/21/Haruna_at_Yokosuka_1916.jpg[/img] [i]Fusanese Imperial Japanese Dreadnought [/i]Kato[i] in 1908[/i][/center] 7 Dreadnoughts 18 Heavy cruisers 25 Light cruisers 169 Destroyers 184 Submarines [img]http://i.imgur.com/BdBo8DL.jpg?1[/img] [b]HISTORICAL NOTE[/b]: [i]Global map updated after the [b]Imperial Expansion of 1901-1905[/b], where Fusanese Army colonized various islands, inhabited by most aborigine natives who now fall under the Fusanese government's control[/i].