[hider=Kevin Marcos][img=https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/380x629q90/89/z36w.png][/hider] Name: Kevin Marcos Age: 19 Gender: Male Species: Umm... A blue fox? Sexually: Gay Relationship Status: Single Occupation: University student Personality: Kevin is usually Happy, because he has to hide his true self. But sometimes he calms Down, or even becomes depressed. Sometimes he just falls into the Darkness, Where is no one. He's All alone. No one has ever helped Him from there. He often feels guilty, and he doesn't want People to feel Bad because of him. If he or someone else said Something inappropriate, he he sometimes runs away, and cries alone Somewhere. History: He was bullied at school since he was kid. He wasn't physically strong like the other guys at school, and he didn't like violence. When he was at the 3rd grade of junior high school, he realized his homosexuality. He didn't have the courage to tell it to the others, because he was afraid that people would abandon him. He didn't tell his parents. No one. He has never come out of the closet. Theme Song: [youtube]3ZckiELrRLU[/youtube]