Vextra sat at the glimmering, holographic keyboard and started at the equally manifested screen and sighed. Such antiquated technology. Liaison refused to allow the dust down this far, and though he promised a new shipment of specially modified materials, they were still far behind the rest of the Lobby. Well, he was still far behind. Liaison trusted no one with the battlefield changing mechanics except himself, and Vextra, a Negoturim from the Planet Negot in the Vex system of universes. Vextra had shown himself loyal when the fiercely technological man had given him plans for Negot's expanions into the often speculated Astral Matrix. Rumor had it that Liaison used the plans in negotiations with another planet, and earned himself some leverage in a vast amount of places, as well as was pioneering an Astral Matrix for the Lobby. Vextra shook his head, and used his left hand to adjust the modified googles on his head. They were a special bit of technology that Vextra construted to counteract the backwoods holograms that he was forced to use. It allowed him to physically interact with it, as though he were somewhat of a God. Often, it was his hand people saw during the time freeze, whether or not they realized it. Numbers and coordinates appeared and were saved into the massive database that could hold untold amounts of data. Vextra knew first hand how much space had been used, and that terrified him. All of Liaison's knowledge, spies, and workings had only managed to fill up the database by point zero zero zero one percent. A ticker sound and his right eye shifted slightly to the right, viewing an image of the representing number of used space. Make that point zero zero zero one one percent. Turning back to the task at hand, he set himself into motion; left hand adjusting a microphone as the right reached into the holofram, immediately freezing all things time and space within the vicinity of the battleground. [color=Plum][b]"Ladies and Gentlemen, I apologize for my tardiness. Heroine removed the field now changes. Welcome to ...."[/b][/color] His hand reached out and touched the black blob like center in the middle, setting into motion the changing of such. Arena's blurred past, though the contestants and all eligible things, didn't drop a microinch. Suddenly it came to a stop. [color=Plum][b]"New York City!" [/b][/color] [img][/img] Despite the superheroine being gone, her Arena remained. No need to waste a perfectly good arena. He pulled his hand back, causing time to restart and the contestants to do with that as they would.