Weapon Addition: Para Domorte Weapon Type: Sword ++++++++++++++++ Hand Of Use: Left hand ++++++++++++++++ Blade Height: 36.8 In./93.47 Cm ++++++++++++++++ Hilt height: 7.8 In./19.81 Cm ++++++++++++++++ Object Weight: Hilt - 3.4 lbs/1.54 Kg Blade - 9.7 lbs./4.39 Kg ++++++++++++++++ Object Width: Hilt - 1.5 In./3.81 Cm Blade: Center - 1.3 In./3.38 Cm ++++++++++++++++ Object Color: Hilt - Black with a 2 inch thick grey cloth wrapping around it clockwise a total number of 5, overlapping at half way point, 1 inch mark, of previous wrap everytime. Blade - Rich shade of grey, except when hit by sunlight, in which case the sword would give off a dark shade borderline black, giving an even more malevolent presence towards it as well as the wielder. ++++++++++++++++ Possible Speed: 0.00 - 1640.00 mph: This blade does not give any special speed boosts to him, for the sword's abilities are its own. The object has it's own abilities, which some are told here, with others being revealed in time. ++++++++++++++++ Possible Strength: 0.00 - 2790 lbs of force: This blade does not give any special strength boosts to him, for all the sword's abilities is its own. The object itself has it's own abilities, which some are told here, with others being revealed in time. ++++++++++++++++ Advantages: ++++++++++++++++ Disadvantages: ++++++++++++++++ Creation Process: The blade of Para Domorte, Created within the Wickerolan nightmare realm of Cato Mispherio. Forged through the eternal Grey flames of phobias Camborno, Wickerolan for Fear from Death, Which harnesses the negative energies of fears within the hearts of residents inside Wickerola, The flames at point gave off a temperature of measure at 8,500 degrees ferenhiet. The creator originally being the ruler of Mispherio, Callus Duminato, a master blacksmith of times before Wickerola's first king, Giovanni's Grandfather. The metal in which was used being a legendary and rare propertied combination crossed between diamond and liquid steel. Zanbikanoda. This rare supply only found in the realm itself or on the Wickerolan black market for a very high bargain. The metal's sharpness as well as the weight are bested by two blades in Wickerola: The kotetsu Ayana and the katana Star Shine. Both owned as well by Giovanni Carter. ++++++++++++++++ Possible Damage Given: Psychological Damages - Due to the nightmare realm in which Para Domorte came into existance, this weapon's blade has the capability of casting psychological damages; Giving off a possible hillucination or illusion of their worst phobia and fears. This being said, Giovanni could render his opposition delirious or otherwise completely immobile with just a simple cut. +++++++++++++++ Additional Information: Flame Strike: Pasto Flamado - To add to this psychological damage, the sword's grey shaded blade also has the capability to shoot out small portions of the fire in which it was forged by, only using approximately 2.0% of Giovanni's aura. The blade, when used for this effect, would give off a faint grey glow before the sword itself begins to sway back and forth, as if made of flames itself. He would then bring the sword vertically up or down as the blade lets out a beam of diameter being 2 feet approximately, soaring to the opponent at a speed ranging from 295-1475 mph, The fire in which is used for said technique meeting the number of 4,250 degreesferenheit,exactly half of the flames in which was used to create the blade. Blazing Strike: Pasto Mastador - A secondary attack to the Pasto Flamado is more of a form shift, a fusion of his body and the flames themselves. An upside of this effect is the nonsolid form in which follows the activation of this ability, in addition to gaining an immunity to any similarities with the element. His body now made of fire, he is able to pass through solid objects, burning them instantly if flamable as well as being unphased by water due to the special immunity ability behind black hellfire and most blunt objects thrown or meant to hit him due to flames holding no solid, stable form. Inferno Strike: Pasto Saridono - This is a more devastating attack in which calls for the powers within the blade itself. Being held in his hand, it then dispels the flames of Pasto Flamado (See above) into a circular pattern around Giovanni for approxiamtely 10 yards. The temperature of these flames rounding to a more ominous temperature of 4,500 degrees ferenheit, evewn higher than their limit, would then engulf and create a sort of spherical shaped object around him before expelling for a distance of 150 yards. The force of this explosion then causes the flames to peak their climax at a temperature of 8,800 degrees. The smoldering remains would then blow away with the wind to leave a crater in the earth for at least 50 yards as the rest of the zone is hit with a flaming effect to the ground with a temperature of 5,600 degrees Ferenheit.