[center] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/bca85f5e29c3133633d37c09faa07236/tumblr_ng4ijvCJkh1tjr19yo1_540.jpg[/img] [b][color=00a99d]Name:[/color][/b] Casey Jean Lockheart. [b][color=00a99d]Age:[/color][/b] 18. [b][color=00a99d]Gender:[/color][/b] Male. [b][color=00a99d]Bloodline:[/color][/b] Aeris. [b][color=00a99d]Personality:[/color][/b] A sharp wit and a clever humor accompany an otherwise unsettling personality. Casey seems to thrive on attention, often trying to make himself the main attraction in every room that he enters. A penchant for intricate conversations and a charming persona, the boy seems to draw people to him but can also come off as a bit cold. That coldness comes out in bursts that leave his attachments often feeling as if he never liked them at all and can be a source to why he doesn't seem to have many friends. [b][color=00a99d]Bio:[/color][/b] Born in a small town, Casey wasn't very special to much of anyone and that may have been what caused him to act out. He had a fairly happy family with a younger sister and two very doting parents that cared for him dearly. He learned about his power through a strange meeting with the family cat that his parents have been trying to forget since, mostly it involved a lot of meowing back and forth between the two. He spent a lot of time talking to his cat and sometimes that worried his parents but otherwise, he lived a normal life. He's been settling in at the academy and he's starting to come out of his shell again. [b][color=00a99d]Strengths:[/color][/b] Empathetic, humorous, knowledge of felines, painting, moderately quick. [b][color=00a99d]Weaknesses:[/color][/b] Dogmatic, cold, dramatic, loud, not very strong. [/center]